Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun pl] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In nine chapters he takes a score of technical topics always in the news and explains them clearly and readably .
2 However , the evolution of mankind has reached the point where it is better to leave religion behind , for it does comprise ‘ a system of wishful illusions together with a disavowal of reality , such as we find in an isolated form nowhere else but in amentia , in a state of blissful hallucinatory confusion ’ .
3 ‘ Our region has one of the lowest number of long-wait patients anywhere in the country .
4 His firm commitment to flexibilIty in the education of deaf people contributed significantly to the surging emancipation of deaf children everywhere from the yoke of generations of denial .
5 Mr Rushdie said that leaders of Labour parties elsewhere in the world had declared overt passionate support for this issue .
6 Outside the US , the UK now has the highest number of cellular subscribers anywhere in the world , and by the year 2000 as many as 20% of the UK population are expected to be users .
7 It clearly represented for him a literary turning-point since it not only swept aside all mystifying attempts to separate the literary activity from the contemporary socio-political context , but also injected a coherent set of political arguments squarely into the literary debate : anti-fascism , anti-colonialism , anti-capitalism , arguments that were beginning to find much grass-roots and intellectual support in France .
8 Extensive use is made of reserve forces elsewhere in the world .
9 It would not be too great a distortion of the facts to say that the main thrust of twentieth century sensory physiology has been to move the application of the doctrine of specific energies inwards from the sensory ending towards and into the cortex .
10 Such references will be used where the entry term is a relatively common term , and where the use of specific entries instead of the one general reference could lead to extensive ( undesirable ) lists of specific references .
11 Theirs is just one of eight compilations already in the top 10 .
12 The beach is all of fifty metres away across the road and is great for lazy days sunbathing .
13 On all courses we include a programme of extra-curricular activities either of a tourist nature or professionally orientated .
14 They are particularly prominent in the early stages of development at Godmanchester where , following the demise of the fort , a system of regular plots was apparently laid out , extending as a series of broad strips well into the territory surrounding the settlement .
15 In addition the place of operation of subsidiaries must be given and the particulars of associated companies together with the directors ' interests in the companies ' shares .
16 He turned yet another corner and saw in the distance a rare copse of evergreen trees close to the road .
17 The rationale behind this was our conviction that , first , it would be consistent with the public and professional interest to extend the membership criteria to allow specialist work and , second , that it would be unrealistic , not to say unhelpful , to restrict the training of chartered accountants rigidly to a single route .
18 Instead , it stands a couple of suburban streets away from the perimeter track , complete with its house number above the door !
19 This November should see some of the works in the new galleries , from the ‘ Primitives ’ to Poussin , transferred to a suite of twenty rooms on the second floor of the Richelieu wing , which will be reached by escalators and lifts bringing visitors to the galleries of French paintings directly from the Pyramid .
20 No.4 Troop had caught a section of German defenders early in the battle as they ran to their alarm posts , but other Germans , many of whom had seen action in Norway in 1940 , tenaciously defended the strongpoints including the improvised fortifications of the Ulvesund Hotel .
21 The day was bright enough , a quick breeze sending a fleet of light clouds across to the east , the sun warm but not hot , dry underfoot .
22 Although the employment of such terms can be regarded as a distinctive feature of fabliau language , there are several fabliaux which treat of sexual adventures even in a bawdy way without using this language .
23 The walls covered with pictures , others on tables , and portfolios of different sizes all round the room , they must have been full shows .
24 The money will help a number of UN-recommended projects worldwide including a soil erosion programme in Bolivia , a women 's tree planting project in Kenya and a clean water campaign in Cambodia .
25 In the past , support meant removing the child for considerable periods of time into the care of remedial teachers either within the school or coming from outside .
26 Choices of ends , as of means , are debatable in terms of public tests ( of whether things are in fact as the agent imagines them , whether his reactions as observed in his behaviour are as he feels them to be ) , but can take account of public observations only to the extent that they are subjectively confirmed .
27 Different parties offer different quantities of public goods together with a statement of how the money will be raised through the tax system .
28 In the absence of the proverbial golf course , the lack of networks through which to find suitably experienced women for senior board appointments could be construed as the final obstacle — were it not , it was pointed out , for the rapid proliferation of alternatives in the form of Network , set up all of 12 years ago as a meeting point for women managers , the Scottish Women 's Enterprise Group and Businesswomen 's Clubs .
29 I could visualize the first restless stirring among tribes on the steppes of Central Asia , then the terrifying eruption of hordes of unknown people : lurching , creaking wagons , unkempt women and children , squat , slit-eyed men in padded garments , innumerable horses , felt tents , troops of mounted archers forever on the move .
30 The ethics of English governesses abroad in the mid-nineteenth century have not yet received sufficient scholarly attention .
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