Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] [is] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of the drawbacks of alluvial sources is that under the pressure of a growing demand they tend to be depleted to a point at which more intensive methods are called for .
2 The essence of that hope is that through self-knowledge , existing constraints on thought and action can be better appreciated and thereby overcome .
3 The moral of this passage is that in rejecting criticism you work up from gentle fun-poking and comment , through rebuke before calling your critic a damned liar .
4 The short explanation of this phenomenon is that in many countries a Constitution is thought of as an instrument by which government can be controlled .
5 The directing principle of this work is that over the past few centuries sexuality has assumed major symbolic importance as a target of social intervention and organisation , to a degree that differentiates this period from those preceding it .
6 The practical effect of this wording is that for a claim to be covered the casualty must be reasonably attributable to an identifiable accident the source of which is external to the craft — thus the craft filling with water on its moorings over a period of weeks and then foundering would not be covered .
7 The great strengths of this book is that in less than 300 pages , in an economical and restrained style , the author delivers a state-of-the-art report .
8 The practical significance of this distinction is that in the first group of cases there is a greater likelihood of the necessary information being passed rapidly to the defendant , and that will in turn meet the objective of the Convention 's authors and also the standards set by ‘ due process ’ tests .
9 The practical significance of this distinction is that in cases of ambiguity an exception will be construed against the landlord , while a reservation will be construed against the tenant ( St Edmundsbury & Ipswich Diocesan Board of Finance v Clark ( No 2 ) [ 1975 ] 1 All ER 772 ) .
10 ‘ The paradox of this reform is that despite the abolition of PRT for new fields , and the reduced rate for existing fields , after 1993-94 it will actually raise revenue for the Exchequer , ’ he added .
11 The effect of this rule is that at least one share must be owned by a solicitor ; and that the only persons who may own shares in a recognised body are solicitors and RFLs .
12 The difficulty of this model is that in actuality some businesses are still run by families , and a good deal more have started as family enterprises but , in time , have gone public .
13 That aside , the real strength of this album is that like all the best and most honest Southern woman singers , Nanci Griffith is insisting that small-town 35 year old housewives ca n't get satisfaction either .
14 The effect of this endorsement is that in the event of a claim where the sum insured is inadequate , any payment would be limited to the same proportion which the sum insured bears to the value of the property at the time of the loss .
15 One measure of this demand is that by the 1950s direct expenditure on goods and services by government was on average just over 20 percent of GDP .
16 The thesis of this study is that through a gender aware approach , we would at least be on safer ground when issuing such invitations .
17 The cardinal feature of this appeal is that before the judge the appellants , case went substantially by default .
18 One of the great advantages of such journeys is that from this moment someone else solves all practical problems .
19 Perhaps the most telling of such echoes is that between the stallion 's ecstatic animal cry of " " wehee " " as it races off towards the mares ( 4066 ) and Alisons 's gleeful cry of " " tehee " " after making such a fool , in her way , of Absolon ( 3740 ) .
20 The basic premise of spiritual direction is that in order to grow we need each other .
21 The main argument for the legitimacy of any authority is that in subjecting himself to it a person is more likely to act successfully for the reasons which apply to him than if he does not subject himself to its authority .
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