Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In nine chapters he takes a score of technical topics always in the news and explains them clearly and readably .
2 Although a satisfactory account of these models requires a level of technical exposition well beyond the scope of this book , the basic question which they attempted to answer is quite simple to grasp .
3 However , the evolution of mankind has reached the point where it is better to leave religion behind , for it does comprise ‘ a system of wishful illusions together with a disavowal of reality , such as we find in an isolated form nowhere else but in amentia , in a state of blissful hallucinatory confusion ’ .
4 I applaud the impartial stance of the General Medical Council , mirrored in the ‘ Alaska law , ’ which states : ‘ the Board may not base a finding of professional incompetence solely on the basis that a licensee 's practice is unconventional or experimental , in the absence of demonstrable physical harm to the patient . ’
5 As I have pointed out , AIB require a very high standard of professional knowledge either as a pilot or as an engineer before accepting someone as an investigator .
6 ‘ Our region has one of the lowest number of long-wait patients anywhere in the country .
7 His firm commitment to flexibilIty in the education of deaf people contributed significantly to the surging emancipation of deaf children everywhere from the yoke of generations of denial .
8 Mr Rushdie said that leaders of Labour parties elsewhere in the world had declared overt passionate support for this issue .
9 It may or not surprise you that there is already an element of regional Government actually in the U K already and since development is the issue that the Labour Group has raised , we 'll take the work of the Development Association , which I was involved in in the mid eighties and which actually does some good work to actually bring industry actually to this region .
10 Those green shoots of economic spring here in the UK are beginning to feel a mite lonely as the gross domestic product figures from the US yesterday brought more evidence that the recovery there seems to have stalled , and analysts are redoing their sums on IBM Corp in light of recent information : Furman Selz removed the company from its recommended list and analyst Peter Lieu said he lowered his 1993 and 1994 earnings estimates because of the extreme gross margin pressure on the mainframe business ; Bear Stearns & Co analyst Cliff Friedman cut his 1993 and 1994 earnings estimates on IBM , but bravely maintains a hold rating on the stock ; he trimmed his 1993 estimates on IBM to break-even from $1.25 a share and cut his 1994 estimates to $2.25 , from $3.25 , again citing weak mainframe demand .
11 PREMIER John Major hailed the start of economic recovery yesterday despite a nine per cent fall in retail sales .
12 The new team moved the focus of economic policy away from the attempt to close the gap between rich and poor and returned to the pursuit of export-led high growth rates .
13 Out of mainstream education perhaps for the rest of his school career , Balbinder is no longer defined as a problem .
14 Outside the US , the UK now has the highest number of cellular subscribers anywhere in the world , and by the year 2000 as many as 20% of the UK population are expected to be users .
15 He believed also that the monastic community at Canterbury with a primatial archbishop at its head was the source of order throughout the whole huge area of the archbishop 's primatial authority ; he thought too that this was part of an unchanging order of things , which should not be made the subject of political bargaining either with the pope or the king .
16 It clearly represented for him a literary turning-point since it not only swept aside all mystifying attempts to separate the literary activity from the contemporary socio-political context , but also injected a coherent set of political arguments squarely into the literary debate : anti-fascism , anti-colonialism , anti-capitalism , arguments that were beginning to find much grass-roots and intellectual support in France .
17 For another , there was little or no chance that the National government , working with a very large Conservative majority , would be in danger of political defeat even on the matter of ‘ appeasement ’ .
18 Its election campaign , focusing not so much on criticism of communist rule as on demands for a redefinition of Slovenia 's status within Yugoslavia , was attuned to the resentment felt by many Slovenes of the lack of political reform elsewhere in the country , of the hostility of the military leadership to Slovene reforms , and especially of Slovenia 's subsidizing the economies of the " backward " southern republics : with only 8 per cent of Yugoslavia 's population , Slovenia produced 20 per cent of its national product and 25 per cent of its exports , while paying nearly 4@1/2 times more in federal taxes to subsidize other republics than it received in federal finance programmes .
19 Extensive use is made of reserve forces elsewhere in the world .
20 It is the day when Rainbows , Brownies , Guides and Rangers think of each other all over the world .
21 If you have a moisture meter , test the corners and centre of each wall just above the skirting board ; otherwise tap the plaster , feel with a dry hand for damp and coldness , and look out for loose wallpaper or flaking emulsion paint .
22 The ‘ grip ’ of the slate on its fixing nails is not assisted by this reduction in rigidity and dislodged slates seen on old roof-slopes may have slipped because decay has affected the parts of each slate closest to the fixing nails .
23 The result of using the mean of each triple instead of the median is shown in columns 4 and 5 of figure 9.7 .
24 Fold each pleat by bringing the marked sides of each pleat together on the wrong side .
25 All the HP 5000 printers incorporate remote diagnostics with a built-in modem interface so that Hewlett-Packard service and support personnel can check on the status of each printer regularly from a Response Centre .
26 A more worrying element was the requirement to assess the progress of each pupil formally at the ages 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 .
27 It would not be too great a distortion of the facts to say that the main thrust of twentieth century sensory physiology has been to move the application of the doctrine of specific energies inwards from the sensory ending towards and into the cortex .
28 Such references will be used where the entry term is a relatively common term , and where the use of specific entries instead of the one general reference could lead to extensive ( undesirable ) lists of specific references .
29 Theirs is just one of eight compilations already in the top 10 .
30 There had already been a violent expression of xenophobic sentiment earlier in the year when China 's football team failed to qualify for the World Cup .
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