Example sentences of "of [pron] they [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No , I had decided that whatever I washoping to do , I was going to do on my own so if anyone was going to be proud of me they were going to be proud of me for legitimate reasons .
2 Since St Pierre , though , nuees have been observed in a number of different eruptions , and in a great many of them they are linked with the construction of a lava dome .
3 A general reading of the book encourages the suspicion that the principle of verification is being used , not simply to exclude some clear and obvious errors , but to cut out swathes of philosophical tradition that have never been guilty of the crude misconceptions of which they are accused by Ayer .
4 regardless of who they 're seen by , that 's hard data .
5 AIthough there are common concerns shared by the two theories , and indeed attempts to draw on both of them , there are also differences in terms of , for instance , the way in which they characterize society , or the part of it they are dealing with , the degree to which they focus on production and technology , whether their focus is on sectors or wider processes , and in relation to evidence ( both in terms of whether their balance is towards description or explanation and in terms of their interpretation of evidence ) .
6 His competitors , in turn , once they become aware of what they are competing against , are forced to sweeten still further the opportunities they make available to the market ; and so on .
7 drawing up a list of questions in advance , is advised for standard interviews , so that comparison between candidates is easier and the interviewers have a clear idea of what they are looking for ;
8 The most interesting condition occurs under item 9 ( Liability of seller ) : Under the Trade Descriptions Act , SLAD may not stipulate the period of time of this warranty , but it recommends that its members guarantee the authenticity of what they are selling for a period of six years .
9 They will often utter the crucial part of what they are saying as a ‘ throwaway ’ line at the end .
10 The rest of the class then use these pictures as evidence , discussing the implications of what they are shown in order to plan for their next journey back in time .
11 John CW Symon ( Points of View , today ) writes : ‘ It would seem obvious that young hooligans do not think of the consequences of their actions … quite likely they do not think of what they are doing as ‘ crime ’ at all …
12 They become quite unconscious of what they are doing for a few seconds , and yet insist that they want to carry on and learn to fly .
13 Moreover , agents of the process may be genuinely unaware of what they are doing for as long as they see good professional practice as unitary , consensual and unproblematic .
14 ‘ In order to get that Job , Scott , you have to clarify one thing in your mind — a picture of what they 're looking for as an anchorman . ’
15 Can I make the point that if you do n't get to the parents of kids kids , before the end of summer term you could be jeopardising the chances of what they 're doing in the SATS because if you get to the parent erm in the beginning of the spring term and say you know , Fred is not doing particularly well because of this the parents are then in a position to do something about it but if you actually tell them once , basically the stable doors closed what can
16 description description of what they 're gon na put in
17 the teachers are n't allowed to dictate the children , if they want erm to do something or make something they have to make up a plan of what they 're gon na do first
18 This happy coincidence — happy , that is , for all those visionaries and seers who speak in sonorous phrases about the ‘ New Pacific Century ’ and the ‘ Grand Pacific Age ’ , and find such a discovery a perfect symbol of what they 're talking about — has been the case ever since 22 October 1884 , when a group of scientists and politicians met in a hotel in Washington DC and set down the rules by which the planet was henceforth to organize the keeping of its time .
19 At least from the point of with Labour at least they most of them send their kids through the state system so they 've got a little more idea of what they 're talking about .
20 To understand the classicists it helps to have some understanding of what they were reacting against .
21 When their reports of what they were thinking about were examined , it was found that these were frequently bizarre , commonly involved complex stories with visual imagery and , so far as the experimenters were concerned , were indistinguishable from dream reports .
22 Mining company employees made no attempt to inform local residents of what they were prospecting for .
23 Fewer than than one in ten people in the British study had a flashbulb memory of what they were doing on the day of the Hillsborough football stadium disaster , according to the study funded by the Economic and Social Research Council .
24 The Palestinians were thus caught in a moral circle , although they rarely cared to debate the morality of what they were doing to the Lebanese : if they failed to fight the Israelis , then they sacrificed their right of return to Palestine ; yet if they did attack the Israelis , they created a new class of refugees among the Lebanese , mostly from the poor Shia community in southern Lebanon .
25 And I hated the anglers with their sharp hooks and their lack of understanding of what they were doing to the fish they plucked so gleefully from their wet world into our dry one .
26 ( Hannah 's work on occupational pensions suggests that employers could seldom conspire , because they seldom had any idea of what they were doing in the area of pension policy . )
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