Example sentences of "of [noun] who [verb] [been] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Recently , however , two small-scale studies have been completed which take on board the perceptions and experiences of parents who have been on the receiving end of child protection interventions .
2 We found a few examples of workers who had been in the uninterrupted employment of a single organisation long enough to qualify for dismissal protection and statutory redundancy compensation rights , but who still had temporary status .
3 Gemayel had been in the pay of the CIA like King Hussein of Jordan who had been on the CIA 's payroll for 20 years .
4 A. T. The system then was , there was a number of sergeants who had been in the army .
5 ‘ We have a very large number of people who 've been on our books for between a year and 18 months and they are quality staff , people who would have been snapped up within 10 days , three years ago . ’
6 Now we have in the room here a tremendous amount of experience , of people who 've been in the industry , people who 've worked with this company for many , many years , and we 've also got people with us who have not been with us very long , and I 'd you to know we may have covered certain aspects of this on sales skills courses just to talk through what the point of the exercise is , I E what we do for a living .
7 The embarrassment increased as hoards of people who had been behind us passed me with odd , pitying looks , clearly curious as to what the hell I was doing squatting down by a rock on my own some considerable distance from the summit .
8 He gazed at the women , and the small group of people who had been in the tent when the councillor actually collapsed .
9 According to the assessments of relatives , friends , and neighbours who answered the questions , the quality of life of people who had been in a residential home for a year or more before their death was similar to that of others who died but had never been in such a home .
10 The only body of people who have been behind the Bill have been the principals of the colleges , and what did they say ?
11 Nearly 55 per cent of people who have been in higher education had been to the theatre in the survey period , but fewer than 19 per cent of those who left school at 16 .
12 As workmen moved in to put up fencing yesterday , more demonstrators joined a small group of protesters who had been on a 24-hour vigil at the site .
13 In conclusion , I feel that the basic things which happen to the boys on the island would apply to girls also but would come about in a way both more slow and less physically violent , yet I have an idea that the scars left on the minds of girls who have been on an island together in Lord of the Flies circumstances may well be deeper and longer-lasting than those of boys in the same situation .
14 We 're very much involved in what 's called in-service training , in the retraining and helping of teachers who 've been in the profession for some years , and who need to get new qualifications or refreshment in their professional work .
15 The Victorian historian Macaulay may well have been right when he stated that the Cornish , ‘ … a fierce , bold and athletic race , among whom there was a stronger provincial feeling than in any other part of the realm ’ , were not so much concerned with the matter of religious principle on which Bishop Trelawney had made his stand ; Trelawney was ‘ … reverenced less as a ruler of the Church than as the head of an honourable house and the heir , through twenty descents , of ancestors who had been of great note before the Normans had set foot on English ground ’ .
16 Andy told me Howie and another two locals jumped a couple of travellers who 'd been at the party as well .
17 In 1989 the proportion of pensioners who had been in receipt of income support for three years or more was nearly double that for younger adults ( 76 per cent as against 39 per cent ) ( DSS , 1991 , p. 44 ) .
18 Robins came across the intact records of a child guidance clinic in St Louis , of children who had been in trouble between 1924 and 1929 .
19 So ghastly , that arrogance , that insensitivity of boys who 've been to public schools .
20 As the Newham Independent Counselling Service the scheme is in its infancy , but eventually ‘ we want a core of women who have been through the process to run a self-help group , ’ says Manning .
21 Scores of employees who had been inside the building and nearby structures staggered from shattered shops and buildings , some of them weeping .
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