Example sentences of "of [noun] with [adj] [noun pl] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And in terms of unity there is n't a very good chance of unity with British feminists right now in this country because whenever we start discussing our issues , out comes the racism , out comes the attempts to monopolise our struggle .
2 Institutional problems are one thing ; the problem of interfacing with local communities quite another .
3 But I do n't I have to keep in touch of course with all companies how we 're doing .
4 The corrected sum of the number of cases with congenital abnormalities was calculated as unc where N i is the number of cases with congenital abnormalities out of n i births .
5 I shall not be present for the statement because I have a series of meetings with hon. Members immediately after Question Time .
6 The first-class passenger could move from wheeled conveyance to first-class waiting-room to first-class compartment with only the briefest rubbing of shoulders with other classes in between .
7 Rape tends to be presented as a crime of violence with sexual overtones rather than as simply a sexual offence .
8 When reconnaissance shows that there is a large herd of elephants with young calves close to camp it is often decided to try to capture some of the young elephants first by means of mela shikar .
9 The pattern of self-poisoning with prescribed drugs largely reflects general prescribing patterns of psychotropic medication .
10 Owners of properties with large gardens often have no idea of the development potential and value of their land .
11 If a mutant batch of tadpoles with cannibalistic tendencies suddenly arose in a spadefoot population , they would tend to survive much better on those occasions when the pond was quickly drying out .
12 The South Korean government 's policy of nordpolitik — the improvement of relations with communist regimes previously loyal to communist North Korea — pursued since 1988 , entered a new phase on June 4 when President Roh Tae Woo met President Mikhail Gorbachev for the first direct talks between a South Korean and Soviet head of state .
13 Sheltered work ventures provided specifically for identifiable groups of people with special needs always run the risk of segregating people with mental disorder from the rest of the community ; whenever possible , therefore , it is desirable to link such initiatives with ‘ for-profit ’ enterprises away from large old hospital grounds , however tempting it may be to use cheap old buildings and land on hospital sites .
14 They suggest that social and environmental factors are most important in the early phases of life with biological/genetic factors more important in later life .
15 There are no powerful pressure groups to speak for them , for the same reason that no pressure groups speak for the needs of children with special needs already in ordinary schools .
16 Problems of poverty and disadvantage are common in families of children with special needs already in ordinary schools .
17 A small group of specialist and non-specialist staff and a couple of parents of children with special needs together devised a two-day training course on disability awareness , directed in the first instance at staff working with young children .
18 Yeah that sort of thing with two pockets on and a clip going over .
19 It is of stone with thin bricks between .
20 Particularly successful aspects of the talk were the invitation to contributions from the floor , which led to several interesting points being made , and the mix of old photographs from the heyday of steam with modern ones mostly taken by himself .
21 Some changed their paper-types , and others were persistent readers of a myriad of papers with individual readerships too small for us to analyse ( the Scotsman , the Glasgow Herald , and regional English papers , for example ) .
22 However , the transaction by which the end result was sought could not be characterised as a sale of land with finished buildings thereon .
23 In the main , disturbance allowances range from 10 to 12½ per cent of salary with maximum payments usually between £1000 and £1700 .
24 A peasant put down his rough hoe and conducted the unexpected party to the village elder , who received their offering of gunpowder with formal thanks yet little surprise .
25 Congenital anomalies are uncommon in the offspring of women with phenylalanine concentrations below 900 µmol/l at the time of conception .
26 It was agreed that the IDB and LEDU do n't do enough — only 40% on average of the jobs announced have ever come on stream ; only 11% of jobs with American firms actually materialise .
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