Example sentences of "of [noun] come [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Wednesday morning , 16 April 1746 , rained , it was chilly , and the citizens of Inverness came out from the town to view this spectator sport .
2 But it could always of course come in as an odd .
3 People who go through any kind of shit come out with a certain sense of humour : it comes from the pain you go through and how you handle it .
4 ‘ Only that Frank has seen him a number of times coming out of a special house down there .
5 Erm and we find in the office that we get lots of forms coming in from the Paymaster General asking us to confirm that mister X is employed you know on a on a part time basis .
6 On all sides : the abolitionists , the retentionists , and the abstainers , the vote was recognized as a momentous one in which the consciences of Members of Parliament came up against a profound issue transcending party politics .
7 On the short mixed ridge leading to this minor training summit , you can view an endless stream of parties coming up from the Grands Montets cablecar station for a taste of a real alpine mountaineering .
8 The first of these sets the amount of effect coming in from the JMP 's effects loop — a really good idea and all amps should have this in some form .
9 There were no windows and only a trickle of light came in through the door behind him .
10 That 's a lot of light coming in on the back I think .
11 When you have finished your conversation , thank it for its help , and see a shaft of light come out of the sky and illuminate this aspect of your Shadow .
12 And er and then there used to be some houses what er we did n't live in one of them but there used to be a lot of houses what used to be railings round , and there used to be steps and you 'd go down the steps , into the And they used to c they used to live downstairs and then well of course when you 're in the house in the side the room they used to have another flight of steps to come upstairs to a l a front room or a lounge or whatever you mind to call it .
13 Our politicians still speak of help coming just around the corner , but in the inner cities of England and America , among the chronically unemployed , among the young faced with the long-term prospects of AIDS or the imminent threat of annihilation , there is little talk of hope .
14 The food , and the mud on our wellingtons , and sometimes the faint tang of cordite coming up from the cellar all give me a good , tight , thrilling feel when I think about them .
15 In early July the waiting was broken by the excitement of Maggie coming home for the first time since she had left for London .
16 In the end the Chancellor and the Bank of England came up with a 70p a share safety net .
17 And they really look like it and when you go a load of ash comes out of the end of it .
18 Th the strong highlight on the reflection on the water obviously is a thing which makes the picture as , and also the , the sort of rays of sun coming down through the cloud .
19 ‘ Echo ’ is a useful word , for that in a way is what the poem 's metric is based on ; there is no immediate similarity of stanza-form to Bilbo 's song , but once again the ‘ elvish ’ idea of poetry comes through in an unexpected subtlety .
20 There are a lot of enthusiasts coming up with a lot of good ideas but the information never gets out .
21 It always feels like an admission of failure to come back from the Continent and have nothing to show for it .
22 The windows are open , with layer upon layer of sound coming out of the forest .
23 Well I can remember when I went Was in the water at the start , there was You could see a lot of boats coming in alongside the platform .
24 The story is similar in other areas , with an older organization or group of charities coming together as a local Family Welfare Association .
25 This will mean £20bn-worth of sterling coming on to the market to buy foreign currency .
26 We got a shit-load of stuff coming through about the hostages . ’
27 One says the main problems are rival groups of casuals coming out of the discos and restaurants at about 4.30 , and the crowds that gather round the kebab shops .
28 The changes in legislation have been dramatic since the mid-eighties the majority of changes coming in at the beginning of nineteen ninety three with the E C directives .
29 So we 'll have groups of teams coming along for an hour at a time and hopefully we 'll , you know , keep the impetus going through the day by doing that .
30 As Magee tugged it free a large lump of bone came away on the end of the knife .
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