Example sentences of "of [noun] that [verb] him [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He seemed to me to be at the mercy of waves that tossed him back and forth between then and now : the real-and-actual and the desired .
2 In comparison to his contemporaries in 1967 he had completed a lot more films than most ; the difference was that his were a succession of B-movies that paid him little .
3 The case of ice that weighed him down was his best suit .
4 The sort of job that pleased him most , this one .
5 Now I 'm aware that many parents bring their children for baptism from reasons of superstition or custom or anything you like I 'm reminded of a certain tax gatherer who , inspired by sheer idle curiosity , climbed a tree curiosity maybe took him up the tree but it was the grace of God that brought him down .
6 Yet his Concertino of 1920 is a work of historic importance for the clear way in which it marks the connection between his early Russian style and the kind of neoclassicism that occupied him thereafter .
7 They sent him to proper schools — the first royal child not to have been educated by private tutors — but he was never just another pupil ; he was never allowed to forget the accident of birth that set him apart .
8 He worked hard as a stevedore on Sharpness docks , but it was still the thrills of life that kept him really alive .
9 I think it must have been Tom 's fear from the past , knowing what happened to black people who stepped out of line that made him so afraid to stick up for himself and stand his ground .
10 Yet that sort of worry is the kind of thing that makes him so exciting . ’
11 That that 's the kind of thing that starts him off ( starts him off ) .
12 The strange fragrance was stronger now , coming over the top of the rise in a wave of scent that struck him powerfully — as the scent of orange-blossom in the Mediterranean strikes a traveller who smells it for the first time .
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