Example sentences of "of [noun] for [noun] and the " in BNC.

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1 Such efforts merely demonstrated a lack of support for Husayn and the depth of commitment to the PLO despite its weakness .
2 Overt statements of support for SAIRI and the rebellion were not tempered by a March 5-6 visit to Tehran by the then Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Sa'adoun Hammadi .
3 Considering the fears of Jacobite invasion there was something to be said for such a policy but it was not popular , especially in London , which had become the centre of support for Pitt and the war .
4 The impact of the oil shocks on financial flows and the foreign exchange markets has been affected by the means of payment for oil and the asset preferences of OPEC countries .
5 Before going into the meeting the Irish team spoke of a good deal of hope for peace and the Northern Ireland Secretary Sir Patrick Mayhew said all options remained open .
6 In the past the harvesting of seabirds for food and the predation by animals introduced by humans had a major impact on seabird colonies .
7 EGGED on by a committee of the League of Nations for literature and the arts , Albert Einstein in 1932 asked Sigmund Freud the unanswerable question : ‘ Why war ? ’ .
8 Its third great function , that of providing the capital for urban and industrial development itself , it could hardly help fulfilling in agrarian countries , where there were few other sources of revenue for governments and the rich ; though it might fulfil it inefficiently and inadequately .
9 He does not favour its enlargement but does favour new forms of association for EFTA and the emerging democracies of Eastern Europe .
10 He does not favour its enlargement but does favour new forms of association for EFTA and the emerging democracies of Eastern Europe .
11 a ) any sums payable under the Act in respect of the office and functions of Her Majesty 's Chief Inspector of Schools for England and the office and functions of Her Majesty 's Chief Inspector of Schools for Wales ;
12 The catalogue raisonné is destined to become one of the finest projects devoted to a modern artist and will be the invaluable source of reference for scholarship and the trade alike .
13 In addition to the matter of required rates of return for shareholders and the relevance of DCF , the earlier strategic analysis gives finance theorists a number of other points to ponder .
14 In the end , he found himself being asked to advise about the hiring of marquees , and the erection of stalls , the choosing of sites for swings and the marking out of an area for the donkey ride .
15 Changes in these supply and demand factors depend on the physical and mental capacity of individuals for work and the requirements of employment , but also on the personal choice of individuals , the marginal productivity of other groups in the labour market , the flexibility of remuneration schemes , and institutional factors such as pension-scheme regulations .
16 Its corollary , or ‘ visage ’ , is the concept of totality , which , as Levinas observes , has dominated Western philosophy in its long history of desire for Unity and the One .
17 The launch of Windows 3.0 has been rapidly followed by Adobe 's announcement of ATM for Windows and the emergence of a new player , Bitstream .
18 Byelarus , Tajikistan , Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in March became the latest of the former Soviet republics to file applications for membership of the International Monetary Fund ; it was reported in late March that the IMF was near to finalizing the terms of membership for Russia and the other republics .
19 The overwhelming body of evidence for Britain and the United States is that such ties are maintained after marriage and that this is not simply a matter of recognizing connections at Christmas and birthdays plus occasional visits or telephone conversations .
20 The Soviet Union supported the narrow definition of eligibility for consultation and the United States favoured too broad a definition of eligibility .
21 Etruscan tomb paintings and earlier Greek work — the little panels from Pits a , the Acropolis plaque , the walls of the small Paestum tomb ( figs. 45 , 95 , 107 ) — help us : unmodulated white background for the sky ; male skin in pink or brown within a darker outline ( less strongly marked , this , in the Paestum pictures than earlier ) ; female drawn in outline on the white ; washes of colour for garments and the like .
22 His complaint is a more general one about the lack of respect for custom and the gradual constriction of his world that has taken place in fifty years .
23 Digital Equipment Corp has signed Lechmere Inc as the first independent direct retailer for its line of printers for MS-DOS and the Mac .
24 A report will be published in November as a statement of policy for agriculture and the countryside , and the means by which a sustainable agriculture can be maintained in the United Kingdom .
25 The government found itself having to make concessions to normally docile bodies like the House of Lords and the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals , over such matters as security of tenure for academics and the universities ' powers to raise their own finance .
26 The limited availability of materials for building and the primitive methods of construction meant that the houses lasted only about a generation and were often rebuilt and frequently added to as the family increased .
27 The limited availability of materials for building and the primitive methods of construction meant that the houses lasted only about a generation and were often rebuilt and frequently added to as the family increased .
28 ‘ Owners of brand-new Range Rovers do n't have a lot of call for tow-trucks and the like . ’
29 A friend had plucked up courage to ask the Sisters of Mercy for food and the Sisters insisted on visiting the family , where they found women making matchboxes in a house infected with smallpox .
30 I am told that there is to be a meeting between the Secretary of State for Scotland and the Transport and General Workers union as soon as it is practicable .
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