Example sentences of "of [noun] have [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The drainage system over some sections of route has also had to be refurbished or renewed .
2 Mastery of the skies over large parts of Germany had already passed to the allies in 1942 , and heavy raids , chiefly by the Royal Air Force , had been carried out on cities mainly in northern and north-western Germany ( Hamburg , Lübeck , Rostock , Cologne , Essen , Bremen , and others ) .
3 She might have stayed , and the truth was that the possibility of staying had not occurred to her .
4 This programme of research has already brought to light unnoticed phenomena of children 's different abilities to communicate in the classroom .
5 First , the Bank of England has already returned to the gilt market as an issuer and the prospect over the next few years is one of a larger PSBR and gilt issuance .
6 Cormack took a card from his pocket , ready to deny everything , and wondering why the idea of divorce had n't occurred to him before .
7 Dunegal of Nithsdale had not come to Thorfinn 's standard , nor had any of the men of Dumfries and the western lands of St Cuthbert .
8 The Group 's long-standing excavations at Wharram Percy in the East Riding of Yorkshire have greatly contributed to this work ( Fig. 30 ) .
9 The chaotic policy of subsidies has also led to the scandal of vast food mountains which taxpayers have to foot the bill to store — and which are then dumped at cut price on the world market .
10 President Mobutu of Zaire has publicly objected to not being acknowledged as the seventh richest man in the world .
11 Two Tyne class and the last of the long line of Aruns had also gone to their new stations .
12 Everything of importance has always happened to me in the autumn , every new departure has always presented itself within a dying context .
13 Not one piece of evidence has ever come to light to suggest that red kites attack live sheep or lambs .
14 Recent problems relating to European import quota abuse by Chinese producers of cashmere have undoubtedly added to the industry 's problems .
15 Since the ability to draw is not seen as particularly important , this state of affairs has not come to the fore .
16 Members of staff have actually come to me and said they did n't want her in on the interviews .
17 The judges handed the Tobacco Institute of Australia something of a pyrrhic victory when they said they would set aside Justice Morling 's injunction on the further publication of the advertisement on the legalistic basis that the Tobacco Institute of Australia had previously indicated to the Australian Federation of Consumer Organisations that it would not republish the advertisement anyway .
18 Some commentators are now claiming that the whole Green consumer wave was just a fashionable spasm , and that the vast majority of people have now reverted to their usual habits , regardless of their environmental impact .
19 To apply these characteristics as the criterion for dismissal or refusal to employ is to apply a gender-based criterion , which the majority of the House of Lords has already held to be unlawful direct discrimination in James v Eastleigh Borough Council [ 1990 ] 2 AC 751 .
20 but the current set of transmissions have now switched to September and really , apart from these next mailings are in September so
21 I also find it incredible that the demise of Aldershot has not led to a positive reaction to assist the smaller clubs .
22 The Secretary of State has just referred to the number of social workers .
23 The end of harvest had also come to Sleightholmedale , a couple of weeks earlier ; despite Jonadab Oaks ' reputation as a stern man and a strict master , the workers surged into the farmhouse kitchen , in answer to his invitation : ‘ Come in , one and all .
24 At sixteen Green converted to Catholicism , and his subsequent literary taste for religious questions and his novel about St Francis of Assisi have often led to his being characterised as a ‘ Catholic ’ writer .
25 This highlights the fact that there had been a practical separation between the organizations of business and artistic concerns , which in earlier types of organization had often seemed to be , and in many cases clearly were , united .
26 Whatever side is taken in this ongoing debate , however , it appears that knowledge of the ill effects of tobacco has already led to a modification in smoking behaviour among older men , particularly those in non-manual employment .
27 The ICC 's newly drawn-up code of conduct has twice led to severe fines for Javed Miandad 's world champs this summer .
28 Reformers attacking the subordinate status of women have naturally appealed to the idea of equality , because it was already recognised as a proper and powerful tool of reform .
29 The Government of India had only moved to Delhi from Calcutta in 1911 , and the magnificent Lutyens buildings which today dominate New Delhi were still being built .
30 Not only are there fewer titles published today but the process of decline has also led to monopolies within large cities .
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