Example sentences of "of [noun] have [not/n't] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So far the volume of queries has not been large , but this probably reflects the fact that many users get help from other users at their institution .
2 But previous experience with the collection of betterment had not been encouraging .
3 But this kind of razamatazz has n't been necessary for the XJ220 .
4 Apart from being a guideline , and not a rigid rule , it is evidence that changes in interest rate expectations are being held , but perhaps behind the scenes approval from the Bank of England has not been forthcoming .
5 The reverberations of the Super 8/Standard 8 controversy can still be detected ; institutions were encouraged to invest in the new film equipment , but found that some manufacturers persisted in producing material only in the earlier format ; the resultant collapse of confidence has not been easy to repair .
6 Physical demonstrations and protests , designed to secure much more widespread media coverage for a cause than is ever available for a cogent argument , are an increasingly frequent means of political communication and the House of Commons has not been exempt .
7 The institutional , legal and procedural definition of convocation had not been clear in 1307 nor was it finally resolved by 1327 : the clergy were struggling to free themselves from the enveloping quicksand of parliament , the king 's high court , and to reach the firm ground of an autonomous clerical assembly , no part of the king 's court ( with all that that implied ) and free from the intimidating presence , or intrusion , of those royal councillors who were laymen .
8 With the ‘ relatively dense network of outpatient and day patient services which exist in the country ’ , it is surprising that the radicalism of Italy has not been contagious .
9 However , this is not to say that many forms of life have not been able to adapt to life on slopes up to the 10,000-ft ( 3,050 m ) level , and in some cases higher .
10 Because medical practitioners are either salaried or paid on a capitation basis they have no financial incentive to " overtreat " , and the competitive bidding-up of salaries has not been possible when pay and salary structures are nationally negotiated ( though this may change in future ) .
11 The experience of unemployment has not been exclusive to people who left school under a Conservative Government .
12 But the scientific process of unravelling the exact sequence of events has not been easy .
13 The following were among the findings reported at a conference in Anchorage , Alaska : — brain damage in seals similar to that found in people who die from solvent abuse ; this would have disoriented the animals and affected basic physiological functions like breathing ; it is suspected that many seals drowned , but because dead seals sink an accurate assessment of deaths has not been possible ; — the disappearance of a group of killer whales that had lived in the sound , possibly also due to the " solvent abuse effect " ; — deaths among sea otters not only from hypothermia ( because oil stuck to their fur destroyed its insulating properties ) but from emphysema caused by breathing in toxic fumes and from liver and kidney damage caused by ingesting oil ; — failure to breed among many species of birds since the accident , either because of the death rate within colonies at the time ( in the case of guillemots ) or because continued exposure to oil-polluted food sources is preventing reproduction ; — death tolls of up to 40 per cent for eggs laid by salmon , herring and other fish , and deformities and withered muscles among fish that did hatch .
14 But the ravages of time have not been kind .
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