Example sentences of "of [noun] in [coord] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 During the Second World War , the number of aircraft in and over the county increased dramatically .
2 The flows of information and the patterns of influence in and among the various disciplines are extremely complex .
3 In the first half alone McLean 's men created enough chances to win a handful of games , yet such was their lack of confidence in and around the box that Chris Reid , the young Hibs goalkeeper , did not have to do anything out of the ordinary to keep his side in the game .
4 To the right of these doors is the stone commemorating the start of work , close to a superb copy — the original is in the Museum of the Duomo in Palazzo Reale ; indeed , several of the statues and works of art in and on the Duomo are exact copies , with the originals being kept in the museum — of a wood and copper eleventh-century crucifix marking the grave of an early Archbishop .
5 Normanby Park steel works and rolling mills were , in their heyday , one of the most viable processors of steel in the world and provided employment for thousands of people in and around the Scunthorpe area .
6 There were quite a lot of people in and around the pool , all suntanned and all drinking the Sunday morning liveners — Bloody Marys , boilermakers , highballs , iced beer .
7 To capture the essence of the event and recreate the feeling behind the original performances , he used singers , dancers , puppets and dramatic visual effects , and moved the action between a number of stages in and around the audience , drawing them in .
8 There was plenty of life in and on the river : a life of crocodiles and fish , of porpoises that somersaulted in and out of the water , of herons and egrets wading in the shallows , and kingfishers perched on the marker posts .
9 Mr Cunningham began : ‘ Jilly Cooper 's latest chronicle of life in and about the chintzed-up Cotswolds village of Paradise , Rutshire ( Pop : media yobs , polo-players , helicopter owners , a poofy vicar , a malapropic cleaning woman and the odd ennobled jam-maker ) is pretty nasty and usually brutish .
10 Visibility is good and there are any number of routes in and around the boulders .
11 Every buyer , lessee and mortgagee of property in or in the vicinity of a coalmining area should search before exchanging contracts .
12 BPX-A and the Prudhoe Bay field 's other operator , ARCO , are working closely with both the Fish and Wildlife Service and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game ( ADF&G ) to monitor movements of bears in and around the oil fields .
13 Shams al-Din al-Jazari , and an ambassador bearing a letter from the Mamluk sultan to Mehmed I. al-Makrizi adds that during his stay , Molla Fenari had given a number of lessons in and in the Basiti mosque .
14 the first flow of nourishment in and from the mother 's body , evoking a moment when the emerging sexual drive is still closely linked to — propped on — the life-and-death urgency of the feeding instinct .
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