Example sentences of "of [noun] in [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is reflected in our recommendations for programmes of study in both the reading and the writing profile components .
2 In contrast the Situationists ' notion of pleasure is a negation of work in almost every sense of the word — a kind of involuntary idleness in the land of Cockaigne .
3 In an unfortunate sign of a shortage of cash in both the computer industry and museum world , however , it was unclear how much further the prototype system would evolve and whether the money could be found ultimately to deploy it in the museum .
4 The ways in which resources are partitioned are many , as , for example , on Barro Colorado Island where there are as many as eight variables of importance in just the food of coexisting ‘ surface-gleaning ’ bats .
5 One particular advantage of models such as these is that they can be used to produce multipliers which show the effects of changes in eg the population of a region on the employment levels in that region .
6 Now , in the space of four days , two key ministers have given bleak warnings over the state of affairs in both the oil and coal industries , the largest of their kind in the world .
7 There is no evidence that I 've finished , I 've finished eating and I 've finished my meal involve different senses of finish , so we must say that complete is a cognitive synonym of finish in only a sub-set of the grammatical occurrences of the latter .
8 The English response to the pressure of war was to attempt to unify the system of government in much the way that Charles and James had tried .
9 See Appendix C , forms 1 and 2 for the general title of proceedings in both the county court and the High Court .
10 These have resulted in the better definition of defect dependent growth , morphological control by physical and chemical means and the influence of structure in both the surface and the dispersed phase on the growth process .
11 The rug should then be carefully and systematically dried , making sure that there are no pockets of dampness in either the foundation or pile , by leaving it out in the sun and then methodically going over the entire area , both back and front , with a hand-held hair dryer .
12 While it must be conceded that the New Testament displays no great preoccupation with data-gathering — which is not surprising considering the complexity of numeration in both the Hebrew and Roman world ! — there is no positive evidence to suggest that Christ 's mission should be pursued in ignorance of obtainable facts .
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