Example sentences of "of [noun] [that] i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is the second principle for the social modelling of change that I discussed in chapter 1 .
2 Amaury de Craon wrote to Edward II from Sablé in November 1323 telling him that the ‘ great uneasiness of heart that I feel as a result of the dispute between you and your brother the king of France , our lord , and a desire to find ways , according to my humble ability , to prevent it , has emboldened me to write the following things ’ .
3 I 'll cooperate as far as I can , on the understanding of course that I remain in control — full control — of anything to do with my project .
4 But the problem being now of course that I think in line with most London boroughs there is club which tennis club which has tennis courts on Local Authority land .
5 But here I am once again running into the kind of difficulty that I noted at the end of my last chapter when I quoted Christine Hugh-Jones ' apposite phrase about the work of the social anthropologist being a matter of sorting out the meaning of a " muddling mass " of detailed data .
6 While I would insist on the centrality of Noel Coward 's sexuality to the patterns of meanings that I see in Brief Encounter , I would not wish for one second to hold him up as any kind of gay martyr .
7 It was in that frame of mind that I moved into the Olympic year indoor season , saying , as I had been doing for a long time , ‘ In ‘ 88 , I 'll graduate ! ’
8 ‘ And these stones — so unexpected in this magnificent country — because I confess it is not for the pleasures of civilisation that I came to this district but for the informing breadth and spectacles of Nature — reminded me of somewhere I knew not where and that was my over-selfish study which all but ended in a brute collision with yourselves ! ’
9 He describes , as I did , the lack of access between the interiors of modules , but accepts the view of consciousness that I associated with Minsky 's views on heterarchy : that , roughly speaking , sometimes one module would be conscious and sometimes another , depending on circumstances :
10 I was offered a pair of shoes for about one third more than the market price , and I was so much in need of shoes that I fell into temptation .
11 I seek to contrast that material ought with a formal ought which is a necessary element in the theory of law that I refer to as ‘ normative positivism ’ .
12 Erm , when the Bullitt family sought it to published it , it was published , but by that time , the kind of changes that I talked about at the beginning of my lectures , had already occurred in psychoanalysis .
13 ‘ I 'd like to substitute Paul Littlejohn for myself in the power of attorney that I hold on your behalf , Elinor .
14 I have of late had two letters from him , in which he has shown such an easy and familiar way of expressing his thoughts , such a delight for improvement and so much exactness and dilligence in the making of observations that I look upon him to go onward with a curiosity and genious superior to most of his occupation .
15 More like the sort of things that I wear in trousers .
16 off , and there 's not a lot of people that I know of
17 God did many things in my life and in the lives of friends that I made in different places .
18 ‘ Killer blah , ’ he said in a strange tone of voice that I took to be a warning so I went back under the chair .
19 It 's a piece of pipe that I got at a plumbing supply place ; I bought a twelve foot piece of pipe and had it cut into pieces a little over an inch long .
20 There 's other types of music that I listen to that do make my hair stand on end and they do n't have a single guitar in them !
21 Thus it was with a certain amount of relief that I acceded to our editor 's request to look at FloorPlan Plus , ( FP from hereon ) which promises to make this kind of thing much easier to sort out .
22 Also a photo of all the officers of Walsall that I saw in a second hand shop and I went and bought it for a few pence .
23 ‘ It 's really just a bunch of guys that I work with on the session scene who all write a bit , and we 've come together in order to find an outlet for our writing .
24 It is the same picture of Shakespeare that I remember from schooldays , when I frowned over Timon of Athens and The Merchant of Venice .
25 Erm , I ought to know this , but it 's not the sort of thing that I have on my fingertips .
26 I feel like in Britain the kind of history that I came into as an eighteen year old was a women 's liberation movement whose context was anti-Vietnam , the counter culture , Vietnam solidarity , American radical feminism , irony of all ironies the Ford women 's strike , and here I was living with this Ford worker , domestic tyrant .
27 I do n't know how to put into words the very great depth of gratitude that I owe for his patience , for his advice , and for his friendship , but most of all the love and respect that I , as I have for him .
28 When you say that , there 's immediately a flood of records that I think about that are all so unbelievably unrelated to one another … ’
29 You are no lord of Ralarth that I know of — and I know them all .
30 Right I 'll be for the rest of the tutorial really , erm find yourselves something to do , I just really want to follow up er the little amount of time that I spent with second years er looking at their action plans .
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