Example sentences of "of [noun] [is] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is almost as if the direction of change is determined in advance ( by theory ) and then events have to be fitted into that pre-ordained model .
2 Significantly , this statement of reasons is given in Creole .
3 Seychelles : Following completion of the initial seismic survey in 1991 , a 50 per cent reduction of acreage is scheduled for August 1992 .
4 The effect of analysis techniques on the ranking of investments is shown in Table 4.9 where it can be seen that each method produces a different ranking .
5 The effect of analysis techniques on the ranking of investments is shown in Table 4.9 where it can be seen that each method produces a different ranking .
6 The European Professional Services Centre of Expertise is based at NCR 's systems engineering division in Copenhagen , Denmark and is operational now .
7 The European Professional Services Centre of Expertise is based at NCR 's systems engineering division in Copenhagen , Denmark and is operational now .
8 It is for that reason that a degree of expertise is required in hand strikes and blocking techniques before a student is taught kicks .
9 An example of story is given in Chapter 8 on p. 116 : that of The Little Fox .
10 The cost of admission is figured at $150,000 just to get to the point of manufacturing .
11 The whole area around the Realm of Chaos is polluted with magic .
12 The Realm of Chaos is inhabited by Chaos Gods and daemons who are able to exist within the magic-saturated atmosphere .
13 A more comprehensive table showing correlations between variables an their associated degrees of freedom is given in Appendix 1.2 .
14 First , that any attempt to implement a Marxist economic programme even on a relatively modest scale in a country which still has a large degree of freedom is doomed to catastrophe .
15 The D form of alanine is found in dermorphin — you have guessed it , the regulatory peptide of ( amphibian ) skin .
16 A measure of protection is provided for patients detained in hospital under the Mental Health Act , but the vast majority of service users , both inside and outside hospitals , have no one fighting their corner or making sure their voice is heard .
17 Another layer of protection is provided by BOOTSAFE .
18 The translation problem is even more difficult when faced with presenting Jesus as the ‘ Good Shepherd ’ ( Ps. 23 and John 10 ) in parts of Africa where the care of sheep is relegated to children or the mentally subnormal .
19 The sense of pathos is combined with Bedivere 's idea of loss or hope .
20 ‘ That figure of Bres is carved from elm , the tree of Bres .
21 You are the first of the king 's officers to know that Lord Grey of Ruthyn is carried off prisoner into Wales , and if this moment you turned out the muster of every shire between here and Denbigh , and loosed them into Clocaenog forest , do you think you would find hide or hair of a Welshman there ?
22 A typical portion of a Chart showing vertices , active and inactive edges and different levels of description is given in Fig. 3.1 .
23 Induction of remission is associated with inhibition or a decrease in the formation of the inflammatory mediators or , alternatively , may be achieved by blocking their specific receptors .
24 Thus Jane Austen 's expression of contrast is reproduced by publishers in italics :
25 A specialised area of negligence is provided by liability for defective premises .
26 Now , nearly the whole output of houses is built under contract to local authorities and the remainder — between a tenth and a fifth of the whole — are built by licence to individual order .
27 Their lack of faith is met with Moses ' anger and then with God 's exasperation , but nothing more .
28 Although it is perceived by local authorities to be an environmental problem , dog-fouling is not necessarily harmful to the environment but of course is resented by humans for physical , visual , olfactory , health and aesthetic reasons .
29 Which of course is played as C.
30 The other alternant is the out-group form , and this of course is used in interactions with those who have relatively weak ties with the speaker , or in situational contexts in which social distance is present .
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