Example sentences of "of [noun] [vb base] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When the tides of magic flow strongly from the broken warp gate the Realm of Chaos expands , the Northern Wastes are swallowed up , and the armies of Chaos pour down through the Troll Country into Kislev and the Empire .
2 With these we may compare the more primitive diagrams of reactions set out in an earlier and elementary work , J. B. Scoffern 's Chemistry no Mystery , of which the second edition was published in 1848 .
3 On his return , he and a group of artists set out with the idea of using Expo'92 as a showcase for their work .
4 Ways of negotiating differ markedly across the Atlantic .
5 There is , in other words , no simple ‘ culture of failure ’ or ‘ culture of resistance ’ , but rather a complex set of strategies set generally within the context of strong attachments to families and black cultural identities ( Fuller , 1982 , 1983 ; Dex , 1983 ; Riley , 1986 ; Mac an Ghaill , 1988 ) .
6 The range of views put forward in a small sample of recent works on the subject ( see Abbott , 1987 ; Berardi , 1985 ; George , 1985 ; Tullis and Hollist , 1986 ) , illustrates well the complexities of the issues and the difficulty of solving them .
7 People who go through any kind of shit come out with a certain sense of humour : it comes from the pain you go through and how you handle it .
8 As informational flows become less structured , so the water-tight internal divisions of institutions break down into a plethora of working parties and task groups with constantly shifting personnel .
9 These powers of direction go well beyond the powers of the Scottish transport users ' consultative committee in relation to rail and ferry services in Scotland .
10 Other differences flow from the fact that whereas the rights of shareholders depend mainly on the provision of the company 's articles , which will have been drafted in the interests of the company , those of debentureholders depend upon the terms of a contract between lender and borrower and its terms will have to be acceptable to the lender .
11 The two levels of arcades continue all round the church and the gallery , at first floor level , is of vast width and dimensions .
12 Only in the nineteenth century did widespread protests against this kind of thinking break out within the main stream of Reformed theology itself .
13 As soon as the flow becomes established , in fact , piles of solid lumps of lava build up at the sides of the flow , and help to confine it to its course .
14 Works by followers of Caravaggio lead in to the seventeenth-century section : a ‘ Salome ’ by Cecco del Caravaggio ( Scardeoni ) ; ‘ Christ among the Elders ’ by Louis Finson ( Governale ) , and an ‘ Archimedes ’ by Dirk Van Baburen ( Visconteum ) .
15 Juvénal Habyarimana ) and the 70-member National Development Council ( CND ) , whose members are also directly elected for five years from a list of candidates put forward by the sole legal party , the National Revolutionary Movement for Development ( Mouvement révolutionnaire national pour le développement — MRND ) .
16 The President 's term of office is five years , as is that of the 83-member Assembly , elected by universal suffrage ( most recently in December 1985 ) from a single list of candidates put forward by the sole party , the African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde ( Partido Africano da Independência de Cabo Verde — PAICV , founded in January 1981 , when it broke away from the African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau , whose rule in Guinea-Bissau was overthrown in 1980 ) .
17 Prior to February 1990 a National Revolutionary Assembly comprising 206 People 's Commissioners representing socio-professional classes was elected every five years by universal suffrage from a list of candidates put forward by the ruling party , the Benin People 's Revolutionary Party ( Parti de la révolution populaire du Bénin — PRPB ) .
18 Until 1990 , the President 's term of office was five years , as was that of the legislature , which was elected from a single list of candidates put forward by the ruling party , the African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde ( PAICV ) .
19 Legislative power is exercised jointly by the President and the 70-member National Development Council , whose members are also directly elected for five years from a list of candidates put forward by the sole legal party , the National Revolutionary Movement for Development ( MRND ) .
20 The banks or organisations that issue them guarantee payment of bills run up by the credit card holder up to a certain limit .
21 In the case of the incubator thesis , there is evidence ( certainly from London — Nicholson , Brinkley and Evans , 1981 ) that few sections of industry seek out inner-urban locations , and that only a small number of companies migrate outwards in the classical fashion .
22 Try explaining it to Ashley as he sits in the back of the minibus watching the streets of Salzburg slip by for the last time as — filming finished — we begin the journey back home .
23 In considering whether these reasons are strong enough , we should not neglect the fact that some offences of manslaughter lie well above the lower boundaries of liability and fall little short of murder .
24 The Department will make residential placements only in residential or nursing homes registered with Lothian Regional Council Social Work Department , with Lothian Health Board , or with any other Local Authority or Health Board in Scotland , or a Local Authority or Health Authority in England and Wales ; within the parameters on assessment , cost and availability of places set out in the Government 's Statutory Direction on Choice of Residential Accommodation , the Department is in principle prepared to purchase a residential service in any such home .
25 I watched a gradually widening circle of splashes go out from the centre of the explosion as the debris came back to earth .
26 According to their scheme each SMLA consists of an urban core together with a metropolitan ring comprising the local authority areas from which at least 15 per cent of the workers commute to the urban core , while beyond the SMLA is an outer commuting ring from which at least 1 per cent of workers travel daily to the core .
27 She brought her hands away from her hips , which had hidden them quite well , and let a tin-opener and a tin of Whiskas drop on to the stairs .
28 In no sense could they be said to be members of industrial co-operatives : that is , of organisations set up for the manufacture of goods or the provision of services and wholly , or very largely , owned and ultimately controlled by those working in them .
29 In reality one feeds the other ; the store of ideas filter through to the bespoke work while the insights gained by designing work for specific needs provide an overview of market needs .
30 Put simply , the assumption behind the package of changes set out in the Act is that accountability , and so educational quality , are strengthened by :
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