Example sentences of "of [noun] [noun prp] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The depressions of Kenneth Williams even within the confines of the ‘ Carry On ’ set-up could be profound .
2 The modern dock system at Bristol was largely the work of William Jessop early in the nineteenth century , with later alteration and expansion by Brunel ( q.v . ) .
3 Meanwhile President Gorbachev has been booed and jeered out of Red Square today during the first May day parade not controlled by the Communist party .
4 Nicky was born on the small island of Puerto Rico close to the United States of America .
5 While the Home Unions are seemingly trying to protect their own interests , the whole issue could blow up in their faces if the Wallabies made a separate tour of South Africa immediately before the tour of Ireland and Wales .
6 Meanwhile the seriousness of a second UNITA offensive on a new front north-east of Luanda was indicated by the transfer on May 7 of França Ndalu away from the Mavinga front to command a new Cuanza-Bengo front , in an area between Luanda and Uige province .
7 Maria Luigia also extended the Palatine Library , which had been founded by Philip of Bourbon , Duke of Parma , and contained a complete collection of the works printed by the press of Giambattista Bodoni together with the original type faces .
8 We have built residues 24–96 into the electron density , although poorly defined density is visible beyond residue 96 of molecule A. Thus of the 89 residues in the polypeptide chain , 5 residues at the N terminus and 11 residues at the C terminus are missing in the current model .
9 MORLEY STREET returned ‘ in smashing shape ’ following his impressive defeat of brother Granville Again in the Elite Hurdle at Cheltenham on Sunday .
10 The first-floor museum for the Ancient History of Tel Aviv–Jaffa just round the corner was well cared for , although it recorded not the Arab history of Jaffa but the Biblical history of the land ; there was an exhibition to illustrate the Israelite Royal Period ( 930 BC ) with references to King David .
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