Example sentences of "of [noun] [noun pl] [conj] [vb base] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 DES guidelines ( 1988b ) warn the sensitivity of this area of personnel relations and suggest that governing bodies take account of existing good practice in their LEA when establishing their own procedures .
2 Dorma have carefully endeavoured to provide a discriminating range of duvet covers and bedwear that will reflect every mood and enhance every possible bedroom style .
3 We agree that care should be taken over terminology in the interpretation of fluoroscein angiograms but contend that the use here was accurate .
4 Universities are trying to educate as cheaply as possible , but in doing so can frequently produce collections of study aids that infringe and compete unfairly with publishers ' original texts .
5 Whereas reports of point mutations that reduce or abolish DNA binding can be attributed to DNA sequence-specificity ( 37 , 38 ) , the effect of such mutations on the structure of the binding region can not be easily measured .
6 In terms of examinations , school librarians and teachers have aware of examination requirements and ensure that the soft chosen for part of any course fits into the examination required as laid down by examination boards .
7 In the present study , we now report the results of detailed investigations on effect of d 3C A on the stability of oligonucleotide duplexes and show that our findings have important consequences for researchers that use d3CA for probing DNA-protein and DNA-drug interactions .
8 It is for the Association to continue to build a sound foundation of welfare facilities and support that will enable both today 's and the future 's needs to be met — in meeting this objective we are deeply indebted to the continuing dedication of our members and the support of our many friends .
9 You were n't supposed to stick anything on the walls , but Jamila had pinned up poems by Christina Rossetti , Plath , Shelley and other vegetarians , which she copied out of library books and read when she stretched her legs by taking a few steps around the tiny room .
10 The results show a close relation between intestinal loss and hepatic synthesis of bile acids and imply that analysis of 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one in serum should now be evaluated as a possible convenient method for assessing bile acid malabsorption in patients with diarrhoea .
11 No one , for example , can take hold of twenty-five million pounds ' worth of health services and say that these , and these precisely , are owed to the fact of a prescription charge : you can not point to the beds , the treatments , the nurses and demonstrate that these would not individually have been provided , however undeniable the fact may be in general .
12 All the system features are available on the ONTAP files , with the exception of print features and save and store searches .
13 In fact the Carpet Band are n't shit at all and they prompt a series of stage invasions that persist until singer Tom Hingley threatens to leave the stage .
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