Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] out [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Any substantial quantity of moisture forced out of the cheese when it is subjected to heat may spoil the consistency of a dish , making it watery .
2 Wednesday morning , 16 April 1746 , rained , it was chilly , and the citizens of Inverness came out from the town to view this spectator sport .
3 A. B. Chalmers of Inverness started out like the shopkeepers in Inveraray with a delivery barrow , graduating to a pony and trap for outlying districts and in 1907 introducing the first steam lorry to the Highlands .
4 Any tendency to increase the ratio of surface area to weight would help , for example flaps of skin growing out in the angles of joints .
5 Mazmanian ( 1976 ) , in his evaluation of projects carried out by the Corps of Engineers , and Gilbert and Specht ( 1977 ) , in their classic evaluation of the Model City programme between the years 1967 — 71 , appear to reach a similar conclusion : participation helps process but not goal attainment .
6 Therefore , on 13 February 1991 , I tabled a written question : ’ To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many general practitioners in previous years , in complying with his wishes to move to use computers , applied for a grant for the installation of a computer system that was above the figure of payment set out in the published computer cost reimbursement schedule . ’
7 Goodenough 's group confirmed that the emotional content of dreams could be affected by pre-sleep stimulation ( in this case , a film entitled subcision — explicitly showing a series of operations carried out on the penis as part of a tribal aboriginal initiation rite ) .
8 Another guest speaker , Dr Nawal El Saadawi , the Egyptian novelist , doctor and relentless critic of Arab human rights abuses , attacked the hypocrisy of policies carried out around the world in the name of human rights , democracy and justice .
9 Even in England , half-inch diameter hail stones are not unknown , and these will smash canopies and ruin the surfaces , causing very expensive damage and making it a matter of luck to get out of the area and down safely .
10 If supplementary information is provided it must be issued with repeat of the original disclaimer or under cover of the following statement : ‘ provided under the terms of the confidentiality agreement and the disclaimer of responsibility set out in the information memorandum ’ .
11 This information is provided under the terms of confidentiality agreement and disclaimer of responsibility set out in the Information memorandum .
12 NBThis information , attached as Appendix A and a reconciliation of actual and forecast net expenses attached as Appendix B , is provided under the terms of the confidentiality agreement and disclaimer of responsibility set out in the Information memorandum .
13 With these we may compare the more primitive diagrams of reactions set out in an earlier and elementary work , J. B. Scoffern 's Chemistry no Mystery , of which the second edition was published in 1848 .
14 On his return , he and a group of artists set out with the idea of using Expo'92 as a showcase for their work .
15 They must be seen as inventing new rules for the future in accordance with their convictions about what is best for society as a whole , freed from any supposed rights flowing from consistency , but presenting these for unknown reasons in the false uniform of rules dug out of the past .
16 Not raising her head , nor even starting , at the sudden clamour of birds squabbling out in the clearing .
17 But if you ask him to spare a couple of hours to help out at a St John Ambulance fund-raising activity or a garden fête for the church roof repair fund , he might find that a worthwhile thing to do .
18 People who go through any kind of shit come out with a certain sense of humour : it comes from the pain you go through and how you handle it .
19 ‘ Only that Frank has seen him a number of times coming out of a special house down there .
20 The lords in parliament , and in the courthouse and the castle , they do not know how we live — they know nothing about us , except that we will die for them , to protect their forts in India and in Scotland ’ — his voice sharpened suddenly , his arm swung round and pointed north and a gust of response rose out of the crowd — ‘ we have always been good at that , their demands can never be satisfied , regiments for the colonies , indentured servants and labourers for the plantations , they have scoured Scotland like a killing wind and the men have been whirled away in the blast of it .
21 The administrator kept careful account of money laid out from the estate .
22 ‘ Fifty to win is a lot of money to lay out on an untried filly . ’
23 Cash floats , which are the set sums of money handed out to the restaurants and bars in order to provide them with change to start the day 's business , are checked , ready for collection by the departmental heads .
24 The primary reason for this was the large increase er in the population of Germany arising out of the reunification of country .
25 Now they were talking about perhaps four tons of bombs toppling out of the sky one morning when Dornhausen thought the war had passed it by .
26 But as the ripples of recession spread out from the capital and prices at last start tumbling in Scotland , there are signs that values are stabilising back where it all began .
27 It had been a mere moment of whiteness seen out of the corner of her eye but it had not moved purposefully like a horse does with a rider .
28 He left the car again , and saw something else on the other side of it — a pair of legs jutting out from the bushes nearby .
29 The barest instant after he was free , a tongue of flame blasted out of the cave at his heels , and pieces of the higher slopes disappeared inwards as flames and gouts of smoke exploded out of the weaker points of the mountain .
30 Enzymes are a form of protein made out of a very precise order of amino acids .
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