Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A barricade of flagstones prised up from the floor had been erected for a final stand and the Collector , snatching a moment to look back towards it , was dismayed to see that the other party was already behind it , thus leaving himself and his men exposed on the flank .
2 Lorryloads of blooms rolled up to the Bel Air mansion where Liz , 60 , lay in bed , surrounded by her doctors .
3 Set on a hilltop , the old town is surrounded by seven rows of ramparts leading up to the bastion and cathedral at the summit .
4 Joe always made sure there were a couple of swings rigged up to the spreaded branches for the children to enjoy .
5 Patricia Whitaker-Dowling , David Wilcox , Christopher Widnell and Julius Youngner at Pittsburgh University have shown that interferon can prevent viruses from getting inside animal cells , and they believe that this might be the first line of defence set up by the interferon system in response to viral attack ( Proceedings of the U.S .
6 Projects are often unsustainable , as the MOH has to finance the recurrent costs of activities set up by the project after the donor leaves .
7 So they risked all , and late one night when she heard a low whistle she rose from her straw pallet in the lower scullery and crept out of the house ; and when Tristram had climbed over the wall , she gave herself to him there on the midnight grass with the summer moon blazing down through the trees and the scent of honey wafting up from the silent hives .
8 The French were delighted with the brave show of resistance put up at the disastrous GATT talks in December 1990 .
9 My night of glory ended up with a hobble to the shower and a flop into bed — very athletic , eh ?
10 On the other , it is a disadvantage to have the risk of a large volume of money tied up with a single customer who could be a slow payer .
11 Is not social work the application of skills picked up in the ‘ University of Life ’ and do we not all know what deprived infants and troublesome adolescents need ?
12 There is another pair of climbers starting up from the same ledge .
13 Each of these in turn subdivided into separate , smaller fibrils which are themselves composed of a highly organized array of myofilaments made up of the proteins actin and myosin ( Fig. 53 ) .
14 On all sides : the abolitionists , the retentionists , and the abstainers , the vote was recognized as a momentous one in which the consciences of Members of Parliament came up against a profound issue transcending party politics .
15 The Town Clerk wrote the letter of acceptance on 8th June , and a Scheme of Administration drawn up by the Charity Commissioners , now involved because of the change in status of the School , was ratified at Stockport County Court on 20th January 1860 .
16 A Plan of Action drawn up for the conference was estimated to cost between US$4,000 million and $6,000 million .
17 There is a need for such evaluators , but they are surely a very minor part in a much larger process , for evaluation is foremost an attitude of mind backed up by a series of techniques which may , indeed , be very simple and which affect all the workers from the start and throughout the project .
18 The flies crawled upon it and here and there the sharp points of gravel pressed up through the flesh .
19 On the short mixed ridge leading to this minor training summit , you can view an endless stream of parties coming up from the Grands Montets cablecar station for a taste of a real alpine mountaineering .
20 An orange ball of flame ripped up into the sky , bathing the deck in light like a miniature sun .
21 As Glisseuse emerged from the Swale channel at the Queenborough end , she was picked up by Vigilant and followed to the upper reaches of the Medway while Venturous made all speed round the outside of Sheppey to catch up on the operation which was now well under control .
22 In the river-bed , islands of rock stuck up above the imaginary water level .
23 But what one chiefly saw was a landscape patterned by the long lines of vine running up to the wooded hilltops , a supremely domesticated landscape .
24 There was a gang of kids playing up on the embankment , just as Preston and William had , junior hangers-on , rookie spear carriers in the terrible Derek Sumter gang which had once ruled the neighbourhood , so far as was tolerated by the greater power of the nans .
25 As soon as the flow becomes established , in fact , piles of solid lumps of lava build up at the sides of the flow , and help to confine it to its course .
26 A flight of steps leads up from the courtyard and there is entry also from the house end .
27 Looking past Adam , she saw Fand had stopped by another set of steps winding up into the rock .
28 They went round the corner , and the child stopped in front of a flight of steps leading up to a dilapidated house , one of a number in the street .
29 It was market day and the wide curving flight of steps leading up to the centre was lined with flimsy tables covered in kitchenware and watches and clothing and tools and toys Music blared out from a stall selling bootleg cassette tapes .
30 There is an 82-member National Assembly elected by universal adult suffrage for a three-year term from a list of candidates drawn up by the party , based on local branch committee nominations .
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