Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] from " in BNC.

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1 I tried going through the undergrowth and looping round — my sense of direction had far improved from peacetime — but the saw-toothed grasses left me bleeding like a scored steak .
2 The process of industrialization and the accelerated growth of the division of labour had already wrested from the family , including its rural variant , its monopolistic role in the processes of production .
3 At one mill from 1804 to 1814 the weight of wool spun weekly increased from 12 to 18 lb per man , but wages advanced from 32s 6d to 44s 6d ( £1.62½ — £2.22½ ) .
4 There was a true feeling of achievement attached to our little ‘ I skied down a mountain' certificate , and a bit of weight had definitely dropped from the thighs on to the slopes .
5 This process of self-observation has already matured from the assimilation of media images , which are often more strongly inforced than the female role-models in everyday life .
6 This small act of concealment had partly stemmed from the fact that she herself had never had money .
7 Mr Howell said the ‘ spaghetti junction ’ of organisations had partially stemmed from the economic regeneration funds pumped into the North-East .
8 A group of ornithologists has just returned from an expedition to an arid area in Mexico in which you are keenly interested .
9 Any radical critic of society has always come from an unattached group of artists and intellectuals .
10 Slow and refined , the New England way of life seems far removed from the frenzied pace of Los Angeles or San Francisco , as the people cling proudly to their strong links with the past .
11 Ten thousand tonnes of rice has already arrived from Italy .
12 PC Reid , a second RUC officer and a group of soldiers had just emerged from a field and were about to set up a roadblock on the Castleblaney Road on the outskirts of the town , when the shot rang out .
13 The Statue of Liberty had just arrived from Paris and was being assembled so it was not in New York harbour when they arrived .
14 The Rev Dr Fergus Macpherson of the British Council of Churches has just returned from Malawi , where he talked to the president for life , Hastings Banda .
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