Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They took it to the Gallows Hill , Cumnock , intending to hang it from the gibbet but the Earl of Dumfries intervened and stopped them as he feared rioting by the people of the district .
2 But while the company 's management would not deny an element of luck , they would also point to a good deal of contingency planning that enabled them to react faster than anyone else to ILG 's collapse .
3 When you believe that you are guilty of all the pain caused by your own pregnancy , birth and subsequent existence , then the burden really does bend your back , and it takes the labours of Hercules to try and straighten it .
4 It was the sound of voices shouting that woke me the next morning .
5 Later , when other countries wanted to make their own cloth from jute , the workers of Dundee made and sold them the textile machinery .
6 He ripped a couple of ring pulls and offered me a luke-warm Fosters .
7 I hardly date write anything about the goats as there are so many strongly held views on management that each time I say I did something one way , lots of readers write and tell us how completely wrong that way is !
8 Moreover , his stature and dispassionate approach should be of benefit to NAB and help it to establish credibility .
9 The postcard has improved in quality as printing processes have developed , and the number of companies producing and distributing them seems to have multiplied by the hundred since I started in bookselling 15 years ago .
10 But according to one retailer who thinks that the mail-order operation needs a lot of work to modernise and improve it : ‘ It represents cannon rather than rifle shot — it is old fashioned and they do not target customers properly . ’
11 It was after this debacle that a number of Conservatives came and told me that I ought to consider coming forward as a leader of the Party and a potential Prime Minister .
12 We had a system of telephone boxes that connected you to the bridewell .
13 ‘ So if you curse the moon , the spirit of Hasan reappears and bumps you off ! ’
14 If I was too embarrassed , too full of shame to go and see them , it was n't just my fault ; it was theirs too , because of the way they 'd brought me up ( God , I thought I 'd stopped using that excuse when I left Lochgair Primary School ) .
15 The soundlessness of nature impressed and solaced her .
16 We went on airways , which was less interesting in terms of things to see but got us safety to Biarritz .
17 So this was quite a mission which I believe has not been adequately covered in the history and was a forerunner of things to come and like I say we got through that mission without any damage , our gunners got to shoot at the first German fighters and we were an experienced crew with one mission under our belt .
18 We 've tried all sorts of things erm and we 've erm sort of erm included erm Lesley 's Elmore Support Team has come and talked to him and tried to support him as well , so over the years we have done all sorts of things to try and support him , as I have to try and support all sorts of people .
19 But Elsie Birdsall and Lavinia Thwaites kept coming in with all kinds of things to try and get me going — home-made soups , arrowroot , custards — and finally I began to mend a little .
20 Windows covered in prices , lots of talk about discounts , vouchers , all sorts of things to try and get you to part with your money .
21 and all sorts of things to try and discourage them from this .
22 For a module involving several different forms of assessment and/or having more than one member of staff teaching and assessing it , double marking is not normally required .
23 Looking back , it seems remarkable that only in the 1950s did white people come to accept — grudgingly for the most part — that black people did not need white people in positions of authority to lead and guide them .
24 ‘ My assistant 's prepared a list of people to see and places you should visit . ’
25 Soon I could see the beach … and a crowd of people standing and watching me .
26 His father 's favouring of Chuck had forced him to turn to her increasingly for solace , and that some unimaginable selfishness should have driven her to commit her dreadful act of desertion baffled and disturbed him deeply for reasons he did n't begin to understand .
27 Perhaps editors need to bear in mind what authors may think when this sort of thing happens and keep them better informed .
28 Easy-E says representatives of Sony intimidated and threatened him during a meeting in 1991 at the SOLAR Records office in Hollywood .
29 She ai n't got a boyfriend or nothing — not a proper one , but still a lot of boys come and see her .
30 A lot of women write and say I wish I 'd met you 20 years ago .
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