Example sentences of "the fact [conj] it [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from the fact that it avoids the above dilemmas , by claiming only the narrowest scope for semantics , such a theory recommends itself to the pragmaticist for the following reasons .
2 They resented the fact that it perpetuated a situation whereby in many areas , notably in Wales , the only available school was Anglican , no alternative being provided for non-Anglican children .
3 Economic proposals by big-city mayors have the newslife of an earthquake in Chile , but this does n't alter the fact that it remains the only substantive programme .
4 It is my belief that the right hon. and learned Gentleman 's refusal to publish the review — this is from the man who believes in open government — stems from the fact that it bears no relationship to the scheme that he is now putting forward .
5 NC protein is present in the capsid during reverse transcription , as indicated by the fact that it promotes the positioning of the primer tRNA to the PBS for the initiation of reverse transcription .
6 As it was then understood : here again , Cole 's problem is to reconcile a course seen by the Pioneers themselves as treasonable , with the fact that it foreshadowed the policy to be followed by successful Consumers ' Co-operation , that policy which for its purposes made co-operative production incidental and subordinate to it and which most certainly did nothing to promote the development of an industrial co-operative sector properly so-called .
7 Apart from the fact that it lacks a coat of fur , it is a perfectly normal cat , with a charming disposition .
8 In the campaign to save the tiger , the Fund certainly played its part , greatly helped by the fact that it enjoyed the wholehearted support of the leader of the country most involved .
9 This witticism received rapturous applause and left his speechwriters beaming , no one seemingly bothered by the fact that it made no sense .
10 When Symphony was originally launched in July 1984 it was the first integrated business software package and the fact that it comprised a spreadsheet , word processing , database , graphics and communications led it to be acclaimed as having a good user interface and being a very complex and powerful program .
11 Its domination resides in the fact that it keeps the economy going , without which the whole society would collapse , and in the fact that it thereby imposes certain restrictions on other practices .
12 The United Kingdom argued that there was nothing in the manner of its introduction , or in the fact that it affected the Anglo-Spanish vessels , that made the Act of 1988 incompatible with Community law .
13 The curious nature of the Bar would matter less were it not for the fact that it supplies the vast majority of judges .
14 Goody points out that the written form of language releases us from the linear experiential mode : ‘ the fact that it takes a visual form means that one can escape from the problem of the succession of events in time , by backtracking , skipping , looking to see who-done-it before we know what it is they did .
15 If we take as the distinguishing feature of devolution , as compared with deconcentration , the fact that it involves the removal of direct control by any of the organs of central government over the administration of the devolved powers , then two quite distinct types of devolution require recognition .
16 Your job description covers a multitude , and the fact that it frames the needs of the business , does n't it ?
17 But part of Intel 's de-emphasis is due to the fact that it believed the i860 would gather its own momentum as Microsoft Corp brought its New Technology operating system over to the chip .
18 On the one hand there is the ‘ will theory ’ , which regards the distinctive feature of a right as lying in the fact that it offers a ‘ legally protected choice ’ ( Hart , 1973 ) , giving the right-holder the power to exact compliance , or not .
19 Will the Secretary of State concede that one of the things that this will enable Yarrow to do is to keep its essential design capability , illustrated by the fact that it produced the first of class ?
20 e.g. to generalize about the significance of an event : " The basic weakness of the Treaty ( of Versailles ) lay in the fact that it left the German people in a frame of mind not conducive to a lasting peace .
21 The fact that it had a happy ending was immaterial to me .
22 Now you 'll be familiar with the fact since we went through it in April that there has been a sharp jump in our known assets brought about by the sale of Elsivir and the fact that it had a very substantially written down value in our books , seventy five million pounds .
23 Well I knew it was but it the fact that it had a nice easy switch in the base was something that I 'd been looking for .
24 Universal , who had advanced him the $850,000 were even prepared for the fact that it challenged the American Dream and attacked American society for ‘ destroying itself ’ , told through its hero — played by Dennis — who is a Hollywood stunt man devoured by his quest for big cars , swimming pools and gorgeous girls .
25 It gets its name from the fact that it requires a fighter simply to raise his hands in a defensive position and bend his legs slightly , almost as if he were walking down the street .
26 ‘ The bridge was too high for a good angle anyway and the fact that it blocked the view of so many meant that the atmosphere never developed properly , so that the cameras had nothing convey .
27 Perhaps one of the reasons SunPics resisted the idea , other than the fact that it jeopardises the planet 's whole raison d'etre , is that the deal was reportedly sprung on them a week before it was signed .
28 De Gaulle could legitimately claim that the result was the most lukewarm endorsement conceivable ; this did not alter the fact that it marked a personal setback for him .
29 He pointed out the illusory nature of much of the growth in the gross national product to which war economy gave rise , and to the fact that it masked a decline in real wealth .
30 And a wet carpet still does the job it was meant for , which also includes the fact that it provides a soft base on which to unhook fish , preventing to a great extent the removal of mucous and damage to scales and fins .
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