Example sentences of "the fact [conj] it [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Most of you had a shower installed because it was convenient and saved time , and also because you liked the fact that it uses less water than a bath and provides an extra bathing facility .
2 The downward arpeggio in the last two bars will obviously be given to the clarinet , for besides the fact that it fits that instrument like a glove , it does not lie within the range of any other wind instrument .
3 Rather , the fact that it made any headway at all bears witness to the degree to which wide sections of the British public became alarmed by the apparent drift of Chamberlain 's foreign policy .
4 The LMSR Company was the biggest operator of commercial road vehicles in the country , and because of this , and the fact that it built all its own stock of horse-drawn vehicles and designed and built all the bodies to its own designs on various motor chassis , it had great influence on the development of commercial vehicles in Great Britain from the early 1920s until around 1940 .
5 I 'm not gon na go over t what my colleague has said but what I do wan na know is when are the Labour Party gon na get hold of some issue and make some sort of mileage out of it , because we 've got a number of sponsored MPs and we ca n't get 'em off the doorstep at election time , but when it comes about doing summat for us and consider the fact that it affects many many people and we talk about the links that the Labour Party and the trade union has , I think the Labour Party 's already severed 'em , as far as I 'm concerned .
6 But even if the Church takes this controversial step , there remains the fact that it has few structures for evaluating its chief resource .
7 The fact that it has some kind of playful relationship with Birmingham is something with which readers of my novels can easily cope .
8 That the new system generated little moral authority was less important than the fact that it gave many Sri Lankans access to the power of the state .
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