Example sentences of "the house of [noun prp] [coord] the " in BNC.

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1 Marks & Spencer , the House of Fraser and the Burton Group had some six and a half million store cards between them .
2 Among other outstanding houses at Pompeii are the House of Menander , the House of Pansa and the House of the Vettii .
3 The most that can be said with any certainty is that the revolt was led by two families who were to play a great part in the next generation of Aquitainian politics , two families with whom Richard was to become very familiar : the house of Lusignan and the house of Angoulême .
4 Between 1290 and the outbreak of the Anglo-French war of St Sardos in 1324 , a growing hostility between the house of Foix-Béarn and the Plantagenet administration in Aquitaine may be detected .
5 The sum total of charge and counter charge was that every person in the room , besides myself and Benjamin , had some affinity or link with the House of York and the cause of the White Rose .
6 The old Whig historians tended to see the Revolution as being the climax of the great struggle of the seventeenth century between the absolutist pretensions of the House of Stuarts and the cause of Parliamentary constitutionalism .
7 He knew the red lion represented the House of Bruce but the blood ?
8 Mr Major had cause to regret sending David Waddington to the House of Lords but the Tories hope Ribble Valley will return to ‘ normal ’ — in the manner of so many seats won by centre candidates in by-elections .
9 This decision was overturned by the House of Lords but the reasoning of their Lordships is not uniform .
10 The government found itself having to make concessions to normally docile bodies like the House of Lords and the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals , over such matters as security of tenure for academics and the universities ' powers to raise their own finance .
11 He hoped the Medical Defence Union would support a petition for leave to appeal to the House of Lords and the European Court .
12 ‘ If present government fails to heed the views of the RSPCA , the House of Lords and the vast majority of public opinion then the next Labour government will introduce a mandatory dog registration scheme .
13 WE should get rid of the monarchy , the House of Lords and the honours system .
14 The letters pages of the newspapers , the House of Lords and the radio all resounded last month with shocked criticism of the new strategy of English Heritage , the country 's leading conservation body , published in the report Managing England 's Heritage .
15 From the House of Lords and the National Union he became a thorn in the flesh of the party leaders , where in a party government it would have been inconceivable that such a man , at the height of his powers and with powerful connections .
16 But the small case load of the House of Lords and the expense of bringing a second appeal have produced suggestions that there is no need for the second appeal if the Court of Appeal were to be free to reconsider its own previous decisions .
17 The High Court itself is bound by the House of Lords and the Court of Appeal , yet it is not bound by its own previous decisions .
18 However in the light of the subsequent prosecution appeal to the House of Lords and the doubt discussed above concerning whether the non-certified points of appeal could have been raised there , B's position was tantamount to a person who loses on the one point of appeal judicially addressed and who is given no answer to his remaining points of appeal .
19 The leading judgment is that of Winneke C.J. and Pape J. It is founded on an analysis — in my judgment , correct — of the tort of negligence by reference to decisions of the House of Lords and the Privy Council and certain Australian decisions , and it is founded also on the Montreal Tramways decision .
20 The union appealed to the House of Lords and the unofficial action was abandoned .
21 In former editions of this book the story of these vacillations was traced , in some detail , starting with the virtually irreconcilable decisions of the House of Lords and the Court of Appeal relating to the winding-up of the Bridgwater Navigation Company in 1889–91 .
22 November 2 , 1978 The solicitors successfully appealed to the House of Lords and the third party notice was restored .
23 Parliament , moreover , was open to considerable royal influence , since a large proportion of its members , both in the House of Lords and the House of Commons , held offices , pensions or contracts awarded by the Crown .
24 If more than one valid nomination is received , the chairman of the 1922 Committee and his scrutineers will publish a list of the valid nominations and immediately transmit a copy to the two vice-chairmen of the 1922 Committee , the Chief Whip in the House of Commons , the chairman of the National Union , the chairman of the Executive of the National Union , the president of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Association , the chairman and deputy chairman of the Party , the chairman of the Party in Scotland , the Leader of the Party in the House of Lords and the Chief Whip in the House of Lords .
25 Similarly , the Leader of the Party in the House of Lords and the Chief Whip in the House of Lords will make such arrangements as appropriate to obtain the views of peers in receipt of the Conservative whip .
26 The electorate may have the power to choose the members of the House of Commons but the will of the electorate is not something formally recognized by the courts .
27 It is the cast of mind which decrees that Henry Cotton , the most successful British golfer of the last fifty years should get an MBE rather than a knighthood , the same level of honour as a shorthand note-taker in the House of Commons or the draftsman of regulations governing haddock quotas .
28 The only thing that remained was to complete the writing of the Green Paper and the small matter of explaining the proposals to the House of Commons and the public .
29 It is a marvellous yarn , and it evokes quite brilliantly both the atmosphere of the House of Commons and the motives of men seeking political power .
30 In order to enact a Bill on any matter , all that is necessary is that Commissioners , acting on Her Majesty 's behalf , grant the Royal Assent to the Bill after it has been passed by the House of Commons and the House of Lords .
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