Example sentences of "the same [noun] [prep] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For that matter , Brancusi saw things the same way at this time .
2 While the historical survey of Viscount Simon L.C. in Stirland v. Director of Public Prosecutions [ 1944 ] A.C. 315 , 324–326 , is both interesting and instructive , the modern case law all points the same way on this point : see Reg. v. Bellis [ 1966 ] 1 W.L.R. 234 ; Reg. v. Falconer-Atlee ( 1973 ) 58 Cr.App.R. 349 ; Reg. v. Marr ( 1989 ) 90 Cr.App.R. 154 ; Reg. v. Cohen ( 1990 ) 91 Cr.App.R. 125 and Reg. v. Berrada ( Note ) ( 1989 ) 91 Cr.App.R. 131 .
3 The meanings of these expressions was considered in the previous chapter , and it may be expected that they will be interpreted in essentially the same way in this context .
4 Expressions used in this subsection and in the said Act of 1959 have the same meanings in this subsection as they have in that Act .
5 This is ‘ Community legislation ’ in the sense in which that expression was taken at the Statute Law Society 's Annual Conference at Cambridge in 1988 , and the phrase will be used in the same sense in this article .
6 DESPITE a disappointing tour of Pakistan , where they went down 1–4 in the one-day series , Sri Lanka have stuck by the same players for this competition .
7 But he displays the same choosiness in this area too : ‘ I find most of the things on television are pretty repetitive .
8 And the tame descendants have kept the same views on this matter .
9 I can put a point rather more crudely than the Lord put it , but I realise that the present Government find it inconceivable , one day they will be in opposition , but I do wonder if they would have shown quite the same enthusiasm for this solution if it had been forthcoming from a Labour Government .
10 This borrowed item , no doubt bequeathed by some burly and well-meaning district commissioner , does not possess quite the same significance in this ambience as it had in its original context .
11 We do not need here to rehearse the contentious issues which surround integration , but it is sometimes aimed that the placement of a child in a mainstream school constitutes integration , or , in any event , that we all understand the same meaning of this term .
12 We can not all , as it already been emphasised by the last speaker we may not all be able to do the same things we have not all got the same gifts or the same responsibilities er within the church but you all have the same responsibilities in this light of God .
13 We have the same argument in this household .
14 Erm even tapestries like the Devonshire hunting tapestry which you may have seen at the V and A. Er the tops look as if they 're been eaten by mice because they 're been so often snagged onto tenterhooks and moved and moved round and onto other tenterhooks , they just do n't seem to have had the same view of this kind of thing as we do .
15 Charity felt the same mystery in this place that he felt , that his mother had felt before him .
16 Not a single holding in their sample remained in the same family name between 1600 and 1700 and only 2 freeholds and 1 copyhold stayed in the possession of the same family during this century even if allowance is made for inheritance through a female line .
17 and did n't realize that the A made the same sound in this word as it does in that .
18 As the hon. Member for Aldridge-Brownhills so eloquently pointed out , we are seeing exactly the same thing with this tax .
19 ‘ There will be a few candidates for doing the same thing in this part of the world if he gets away with it , ’ one Welsh international said , ‘ and I for one will be very interested to see how it develops .
20 Day and night were the same thing in this place .
21 This is easy for one who sees , since he already possesses a picture of the surface of his own body ; and , on this account , he now , by means of the unchanging local sign , even in the dark , translates each stimulus which he has once seen act on a definite place , to the same place in this picture of the body which is mentally presented before him . ’
22 The same iron in this eye
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