Example sentences of "the first year ['s] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Evaluation of the first year 's operation of the internal market is not straightforward .
2 First fruits and tenths , which had previously gone to Rome , came after 1534 to the King : he received a tenth of the annual revenue of every clerical benefice and a sum equivalent to the whole of the first year 's income of every newly appointed bishop .
3 Indeed , if there is one conclusion that can be drawn from the first year 's experience of audit regulation , it is that so far there is insufficient evidence to judge the quality of the service registered auditors provide .
4 Er we pay pick up the second the second stage which is the balance of the first year 's payment at er about six to eight week 's later through this banker 's order .
5 And they have to deposit the first year 's payment at the clinic as soon as they arrive .
6 And they have to deposit the first year 's payment to the clinic as soon as they arrive .
7 The fact that er we take the balance of the first year 's payment through a banker 's order .
8 Er we need to tell them that we 'll take the balance of the first year 's payment through er er on proof , when we when they 've got their proof on on the desk we will take the next the balance of the first year 's payment through a banker 's order .
9 Er we need to tell them that we 'll take the balance of the first year 's payment through er er on proof , when we when they 've got their proof on on the desk we will take the next the balance of the first year 's payment through a banker 's order .
10 You must tell them on the phone after telling them the price and what it 's all about you say , Right when I come round tomorr er whenever to er strike up the deal with you I want the contract signed I need a thirty five percent of the first year 's payment as a deposit cheque .
11 You may find the first year 's bloom on the rootstock pleasantly and surprisingly different to the original bloom on its own roots .
12 It is hoped that the first year 's crop of students will stay on at Hooke Park to help initiate a production plant there .
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