Example sentences of "the number of [adj] people [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As the numbers of elderly people with dementia within the home increase — will the non-dementing group be in one wing with three others providing care for old people with dementia .
2 Furthermore , as the numbers of elderly people in the population increase so will the incidence of severe acute renal failure .
3 In 1990 ( 1979 ) , 6079 ( 4678 ) elderly people were enumerated in 241 ( 133 ) establishments , a 30% increase in the numbers of elderly people in residential care and an 82% increase in the number of establishments between 1979 and 1990 .
4 The second tactic is to ensure that we stop adding more people to the numbers of tragic people on our streets as a result of years of social and self-neglect .
5 Fourth , a definition should help with confrontation and reduce the numbers of older people at risk , otherwise the definition is meaningless .
6 It is not possible to determine the number of such people among the 119 recorded as dying in 1990 or how many would not have taken an overdose had they been aware that paracetamol , if taken in large quantities , often results in a painful and lingering death due to liver failure .
7 A decision might have to be made about the number of elderly people for which it is possible to take responsibility in any one family .
8 As the number of elderly people in the population grows , there will be more frail and vulnerable citizens who need support .
9 From 1980 to 1988 the number of elderly people in residential care grew by 29% .
10 From about the middle of the twentieth century onwards , the number of elderly people in the population has been rising , and it will continue to rise until the end of the century .
11 Growth in the number of elderly people in the population is one important source of growing demands on health services .
12 Changing the definition of disability so that the severity class 1 was excluded would reduce the number of disabled people in the population from 6,202,000 to 5,004,000 ( a reduction of 1,198,000 ) !
13 SSDs had more knowledge of the number of disabled people in their area than had housing departments , and they were more likely to have specific policies on meeting their needs .
14 A report from the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys in 1988 revealed that the number of disabled people in Britain stood at six million ; twice the number estimated in 1971 .
15 On the general point , I do not believe that the substantial improvement in productivity has arisen through a reduction in the number of disabled people in the mines .
16 Eastern Europe is predicted to be the only place where the number of poor people as a percentage of the total population will actually grow , although figures ignore poverty in the ‘ developed ’ world altogether .
17 The number of destitute people with serious mental disorder now living more or less permanently in this way is reckoned to be 60–90,000 , but no one knows for sure : a large number of people but still a quite small proportion of the total number of people in our society in need of a home .
18 There has been a rapid increase in the number of young people on training schemes organized by the Manpower Services Commission ( see also chapter 2 , section 2.8 , and chapter 8 , section 8.3 ) .
19 One aim we have is to double the number of young people in full time study or college-based education and quality training after the age of 16 .
20 For example , Hannan ( 1969 ) found that the number of young people in an area tended to increase outmigration , as the more able young left to follow the kind of careers not available in rural areas , though Grafton ( 1982 ) has argued that young people do not outmigrate from remote rural areas at a faster rate than their counterparts in less remote rural areas , and that any decline in such areas is due to lower levels of immigration , rather than higher rates of outmigration .
21 Is not one reason for the remarkable increase in the number of young people in training — from 6,000 in 1979 to 260,000 today — the fact that we have returned to the common-sense recognition that vocational training is of considerable value and more closely reflects the abilities of many young people ?
22 The encouraging figures come at a time when the number of young people in the county has dropped while the older population has increased .
23 The coining of the term ‘ cardboard city ’ reflects the public consciousness of the visible increase in the number of homeless people on our cities ' streets .
24 At the same time as the number of old people in the population is rising , several factors are operating that have tended to reduce the ability of the family to cater for the needs of old people , especially their needs for care and companionship .
25 It is fairly unproblematic to predict the number of older people in the population at future points in time .
26 I am sure that it will be beneficial to Northern Ireland , in view of the number of unemployed people in the Province and the need for Northern Ireland to become more closely involved in Europe .
27 The report states the number of unemployed people in Darlington 's travel-to-work area was 4,049 , or 8.4pc of the workforce , in December 1990 .
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