Example sentences of "and [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Time limits are important and may well prevent a grievance from rumbling on , thereby causing ill feeling and low morale .
2 Some tap conversion kits simply replace the existing handle with a new one ; others replace the spindle assembly and may well provide a replacement nylon seat .
3 England boss Graham Taylor scrutinised his impressive Premier League debut at Nottingham Forest — and may well find a place for James in his World Cup plans .
4 Some writing is of undoubtedly high quality and may well find a place in the permanent repertoire of a wider public .
5 Members of Convocation , University staff and students are cordially invited and may also bring a guest .
6 The development loops correspond very closely to the table of action but here we emphasize the four stages , which partly overlap ; they depend on each other and may also involve a return to an earlier stage in the light of feedback .
7 While the sole use of a baby cooker or gas ring has certain advantages , its use can create lingering smells in the only living space , and may also present a fire risk .
8 She also has a genuine chance of succeeding Troke as a Commonwealth Games gold medallist , and may also make a challenge in Moscow in April for the European title , which Troke has won twice .
9 In addition , psychologists conduct collaborative research with their colleagues in general practice , provide health education to patients , and conduct psychosocial assessments and may also provide a consultation and liaison service .
10 ( ii ) Excess acid or alkali can interfere with some textile processes and may also indicate a deviation from normal in the water-purification process .
11 A consequence of this unquestioning enthusiasm is that the implications of change have not been thought through , and may yet have a sting or two in the tail .
12 As you enter your forties your skin is likely to be even drier and may now show a tendency towards flakiness , broken veins and dry patches .
13 Catabolism of VLDL by lipoprotein lipase is impaired in vitro with this C-apoprotein abnormality and may therefore produce a clearance defect in vivo .
14 The idea of cloning in this sense belongs to science fiction , and may never become a reality .
15 They are placed in a position analogous to that of a government agency and must ultimately reach a decision on the basis of the public good .
16 You are a princess and must therefore marry a prince — you can marry Prince Richard and then I shall marry his brother ! ’
17 the university has a new duty , we are told : there is a besieging host , everincreasing , of Indians , Africans , Commonwealth people in general , Levantines , who aspire to become university teachers of English literature , and must therefore have a PhD — preferably a Cambridge one ( though it is admitted that a large proportion of them could n't hope to take the English Tripos with much credit — even if they could pass ) .
18 Businesses searching for financial assistance can be start-ups or already trading , and should normally have a business plan .
19 A wall of storage units will make provision for most of the paraphernalia you own and might either incorporate a bar and a desk flap to let down , or a permanent table set at right angles to shelves and cupboards for work , games , sewing and hobbies .
20 But the speculators have tasted blood and could yet force a devaluation of the franc .
21 They make the rule book mentality into an art form and could easily get a PhD in bureaucracy .
22 A kestrel is even smaller than a barn owl — it may only weigh six to seven ounces , and could easily lose a quarter of an ounce overnight in cold weather because of the energy it uses up trying to maintain its body heat .
23 Down home of the then Air Minister Lord Londonderry and , in his report of the visit , added a speculative paragraph to the effect that the trip may have been due to ‘ a message from Ottawa ’ and could well precede a peace making trip to Dublin .
24 By and large Alex and I think these developments are likely to give tangible gains and could well become a priority for implementation .
25 He did not look a particularly easy ride that day and could well prove a handful for his inexperienced rider .
26 One prominent cinema organist would completely lose control of his feet when attempting to record ; the violinist Bronislaw Huberman needed perfect quiet , and could even hear a typist operating six storeys away , but Jan Kubelik , though always needing to stand on a rubber mat , had possessed perfect studio concentration .
27 And he was clean and tidy now , and civil , and could even crack a joke .
28 Collected Poems 1909–1935 provoked a respectful response from the critics , although there was a sense in which Eliot was now being taken for granted ; he had been assimilated , after something of a struggle against him by the purveyors of contemporary taste , and could quietly become a monument standing unnoticed by the roadside .
29 However , you should take care not to risk overloading the electrical wiring in the process , and you should certainly not attempt to use photoflood bulbs in ordinary domestic fittings as they not only draw a lot of current but they also run very hot and could possibly cause a fire .
30 In Harris v Wyre Forest DC ; Smith v Bush [ 1989 ] 2 All ER 514 the House of Lords rejected an argument that a disclaimer of liability on a surveyor 's report prevented a duty of care arising in tort and therefore fell outside the Act ; applying s13 , the House held that the disclaimer was subject to the Act and could only prevent a duty arising if it satisfied the test of reasonableness .
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