Example sentences of "and [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And let's just hope your life is where you left it when you come back . ’
2 On the other hand the owner is clearly involved in the business and may well use his car for business the question is how much .
3 If the customer is pleased with the service she receives , she 'll come back — and may also bring her friends .
4 If an ant , searching the twig for food , so much as touches the barrier of infertile eggs with its antennae , it recoils violently and may even lose its footing and fall .
5 A reputable agency will advise you on the wording and placing of your advertisement and may even take its fee from the newspaper not from the client .
6 The lecture modules selected in the first term by individual students determine the ‘ flavour ’ of the degree course to be followed , and may indeed determine its title .
7 The home team has not beaten the Scarlets for some dozen matches and should still have their work cut out to win .
8 It could and did reach conclusions upon policy , but the final decision rested with the Queen , who seldom attended meetings and might easily ignore their conclusions .
9 A simple leaflet routinely given out to patients before admission to hospital for common , straightforward operations , explaining the operation they are to undergo , common after-effects , the discomfort and temporary impairment of function likely to be experienced , and so on , may prove to be helpful in the sense of increasing feelings of control and might well aid their recovery .
10 That would prejudice his consideration of the current application for a call-in and might also prejudice his consideration of the matter if it is called in .
11 This is a pain that will inevitably turn to anger and might even make them wife or child batterers themselves .
12 Finally , on his uncle 's death , the nephew inherited some of his property and might even claim his widow !
13 For some years her vision had only enabled her to find her way about her house : she could not read and could scarcely see her television .
14 The story began last summer when a 42-year-old man who could n't talk and could barely move his fingers was admitted to the medical center .
15 He did not miss his music , and could barely remember his performing days .
16 Children are being told there are times when kicking and screaming is all right — and could even save their lives .
17 Her love for him now seemed shameful and foolish ; she imagined Marjorie saying to him , ‘ That silly kid 's crazy about you ’ and could almost hear his laughter in her ears .
18 The powers were occasionally complicated to use and could sometimes penalize their user .
19 The only part-time farmer travelled long distances to his work but was self-employed and could therefore choose his days away .
20 He was numbed by the thought of this imaginary food and could hardly keep his mind on what the Padre was saying .
21 ‘ I sat up late watching the election results and could hardly believe my eyes .
22 Mr Morton said : ‘ The fact that the so-called Camilla-gate tapes have not yet been published remains a sword of Damocles hanging over Prince Charles 's head and could certainly damage his position . ’
23 Then , John said , he would know that she had been arrested because she had forgotten her pass , which all blacks had to carry , and would automatically telephone his father to go and fetch her from prison .
24 You would think we all agreed that acting to end third-world poverty was our number one priority , and that we would all , with barely a sigh of regret , give up our cars , our fridge-freezers and dishwashers , would cease commuting and return to live in the cities we abandoned for the good of our children , and would generally resume our lives as good citizens after 13 years in the desert .
25 Under the apparent terms of the Transportation Secretary 's new regulations , BA would have to slash its contribution by $500m — probably killing the staff buyout — and would effectively lose its representation on the UA board .
26 But you know erm if , if , if you look back to the days of the Raj erm it was a even within my living memory , erm people were joining the armed services or the overseas er er corp and the civil service overseas I suppose , yeah , er at a , at a fairly humble level and would either work their way up or they drink themselves stupid or they get mixed up with someone or they , you know but it was a , a , a recognized way of , of , of going , you know , either join the services or the
27 At one level , Nizan accepts that contemporary readers are easily misled , seduced by their baser instincts , and would readily turn their gaze away from the bitter reality of the socio-political situation , preferring instead to read the escapist , polite literature manufactured by the bourgeoisie for their mystification .
28 They would hide their money or belongings in the hedges and grounds surrounding the Bedford Institution and would then take their sacks ( or ‘ peters ’ , as they were called ) and enter by the large iron gates .
29 You know , probably , that Malduin would n't have anything to do with the fortifications in Fife and the Lothians , and would only release his land-workers when under a direct order from my lord your husband . ’
30 Billican Geary had a dry humour and would often tell his yarns .
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