Example sentences of "and [conj] he be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Resolved that in consequence of the report of the Committee last mentioned and the charges now exhibited against the said Secretary — this meeting is of the opinion that his conduct has been highly injurious to the Interests of the College and that he be immediately dismissed . ’
2 The Booksellers and Publishers Associations are concerned that the trade and the public will be lulled into a false sense of security by recent press reports that the Prime Minister is taking control of economic policy and that he is widely believed to be against increasing taxes , including VAT .
3 ‘ Critics have found me narrow , implies that his reputation is already controversial , a truth of which he was justly proud , and it is a provocation aptly calculated to make one read on ; and to claim that the only way to escape misrepresentation is to say nothing implies that something momentous is about to be said , that it is his habit and custom to do so , and that he is widely hated because he does .
4 And if he does and then I see him and that he is n't doing it any more , at least I 've got job satisfaction in that he has n't .
5 Rather , the courts have held that it is enough if the constable has a power to act as he does , and that he is not acting illegally in the exercise of that power at the time of the act complained of .
6 The most common type of instrumental argument relies , as a reason for recognizing the validity of consent , on the facts that the agent has the best information to judge whether it is best to create the right or not and that he is sufficiently motivated to act for the best .
7 ‘ Are you trying to tell me that old Hardiman is Con 's solicitor — and that he 's also acting for our mystery man ?
8 ‘ She 's delighted we 've got Place and that he 's really banged up .
9 Police believe they 've identified the man who arranged for him to smuggle the drug and that he 's currently carrying out his business abroad .
10 Well I think that we have shown that we 're prepared to support Gorbachev in so far as er peace reform in the Soviet Union , but I think we 've got to look towards our own security in the West and we 've done very well with NATO , with the defensive block NATO over the last 40 years or so , and until we can have cast iron guarantees that Gorbachev is going to be secure and that he 's actually going to carry out his promises we 've got to keep our guard up .
11 It was immaterial to her that he was coarse and brutish , that he kept an illegal tavern , that he was invariably drunk , and that he was eventually imprisoned for manslaughter .
12 All the early evidence of the Church is unanimous in saying that Mark is the author of the Gospel and that he was closely connected with Peter .
13 The remark was enough to tell her that he had kissed her brow , and that he was firmly hauling himself back into the anti-female attitude which would give him security from involvement with a woman .
14 He added that he now felt more detached from his former girlfriend , and that he was already beginning to regard their relationship as belonging to the past .
15 He was concerned that they were getting stuck in a rut and that he was not getting much creative thinking , though his company needed innovation for survival .
16 They both understood that this was a formality and that he was not thought to be ‘ ill ’ .
17 ‘ Bumface came here to tell me that he was going to fight the War Office and that he was not having the WO Instruction for me to report forthwith to the Ski Battalion at Bordon .
18 In the course of my pastoral visiting , before I took a funeral service , I called on the dead man 's son , who told me that he fell out with his father at his wedding twenty years previously and that he was not going to the funeral service now !
19 If she told him once she told him two dozen times that he was quite the perfect host , and that he was n't to take this personally , but she wanted to be back in her own house , her own city , where she would feel most protected from the assassin .
20 He knew that Alain was a fair fighter and that he was only doing what every driver does , taking advantage of his superiority in performance .
21 At the beginning , I read a moral stance into the therapist 's answers , until I realized it was n't really there and that he was actually playing the role of my alter ego — sometimes being the ‘ right ’ and ‘ good ’ side of me .
22 Little is known of his early life except for his recollection that at the age of nine or ten he ‘ did so offend the Lord that He did scare and terrify me with dreadful visions ’ , and that he was greatly afflicted at that time with thoughts of the Day of Judgement .
23 But it seemed to me that I had not properly answered his question and that he was really voicing the unthinking complaint of the people who lived in the little houses all over the world .
24 Klaus denied accusations by opposition parties that he was copying Poland 's " shock therapy " , and that he was deliberately using inflation to soak up excess purchasing power .
25 ‘ He said he was going softly and that he was much hampered by having Trueman replaced by the Commander . ’
26 But she had to admit that , realistically , he probably meant that she annoyed him beyond measure and that he was hard put to it to treat her civilly .
27 The character Tamburlaine dominates throughout this tragedy , and although he is rarely challenged , it is interesting to see the stark contrast between his character and those he is surrounded by .
28 and although he 's well trained and they exercise him .
29 Although Nizan was later to pour scorn on the moral self-righteousness and indignation of a non-communist majority in France venting its spleen on the treacherousness of the USSR , 8 and although he was also to recognise the Soviet Union 's need to act expediently at a time of impending international disaster , 9 nonetheless something fundamental had clearly snapped in Nizan 's psychology .
30 Mr Rushdie also met federal parliamentarians in Ottawa , and although he was not granted time with the Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney , he said that his reception by the External Affairs Minister Barbara McDougall encouraged him to believe that Canada was firmly behind the campaign to get the death sentence lifted .
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