Example sentences of "and [conj] it would [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 Local environmentalists are concerned , however , that the new barrier scheme may be harmful to some marine wildlife , and that it would also be aesthetically unattractive .
2 Shearson was left holding the baby when the music stopped after the buyout : J H Whitney Co , leading the buyout , had persuaded Shearson to put up a bridging loan , and that it would easily be able to sell much of it on ; in the event , the junk bond market collapsed and no-one wanted it .
3 And after about four months I thought I was strong enough to tackle the weight , and that it would n't be too much going on at once .
4 You 're making an assumption that damage would be caused erm by the development of certain sites , and that it would n't be caused by the development of other sites .
5 Conservative Central Office will be able to make much of the suggestion that , under a Labour administration , secondary picketing would once again be lawful , that unions which ignored the courts would no longer face the possibility of sequestration and that it would not be possible for employers or other interested parties to apply for interim injunctions postponing precipitate strikes .
6 British diplomats in Tokyo believed that increasing signs of restlessness could be perceived and that it would not be wise to delay a peace treaty for much longer .
7 But given the fact that the first GCSE examinations will have been held only in 1988 , and that it would therefore be unrealistic to recommend their Instant abandonment .
8 She began to wonder if the relationship was not , very very slowly , dying a natural death , and whether it would not be sensible to terminate it quickly .
9 The possession of South Korea is not essential for Allied strategic plans , and though it would obviously be desirable to deny it to the enemy , it would not be of sufficient importance to make it the cause of World War III .
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