Example sentences of "and [conj] they do [adv] want " in BNC.

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1 When will the dogmatic Secretary of State for Scotland realise that the people of Scotland see NHS trusts as the thin edge of the wedge for privatisation of the health service , and that they do not want them ?
2 Does he share their view that they work hard for their money , that they pay quite enough tax and national insurance and that they do not want to see what would be the worst disaster for such businesses in future — an increase in income tax and national insurance , as proposed by the Labour party ?
3 If the Labour Party , if the Labour Party want our money then we want some influence and we do n't , and we , and if they do n't want to represent the views of our members they can do without our money .
4 I think we ought to go and talk to them first and exp you know , put our side forward and if they do n't want to play then , then you have a solicitor .
5 And if they do n't want the committee making
6 Oh no if the if the if the if the if the owners well they were privately owned then the mines were and if they did n't want to er get the coal out you did n't work .
7 And if they did n't want it then , they had a plastic bag they
8 Furthermore , there are significant flaws in the use of such substitutes as Methadone : sufferers from addictive disease will commonly use other drugs including intravenous drugs in addition to their oral Methadone and when they do finally want to end their suffering and come off drugs altogether they commonly find that it is far harder to come off Methadone that to come off heroin .
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