Example sentences of "and [conj] she [verb] she [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The therapist pointed out to Liz that she seemed to be trying to get away from both the shop and the flat , and Liz then talked about her life with her boyfriend and that she felt she needed to start afresh .
2 She was always prepared to the utmost and if she felt she had been given good advice , then she took it immediately .
3 And while she knew she needed no assistance , her own clasp became firmer as his grip became more tense .
4 It was again as if she had been struck , her hands barely moving along the surface of the dresser she had been wiping clean of dust , her head going low , and when she finished she went to put the damp cloth carefully beside the sink , moving a simmering saucepan from the hotplate .
5 I 've seen my mother standing , what they call speeting herren , that is putting them on sticks to make bloaters , and when she finished she had to lay down .
6 He loved Maman , and when she died she took everything .
7 And when she woke she turned with such longing to where he had lain and called his name and thought she would do anything for him , anything at all he wanted , because she loved him , she loved him , she loved him .
8 Now those negative feelings had gone , and when she thought she detected an added happiness in their faces today she was n't afraid or reluctant to guess about it aloud .
9 She had always been interested in beauty culture and hair-styling , so she took a job with a small hairdressing parlour in Stepney to learn the tricks of the trade and when she felt she knew enough , gave in her notice and advertised her services : Lady clients visited in the comfort and privacy of their own homes .
10 Claudia stared at him blankly , unable to take it in for several minutes , and when she did she cried out and launched herself at him , her hands raised .
11 And as she saw she heard it — a strange , persistent snuffling .
12 It was that same song from the Dietrich film she had watched at Rocamar , and as she sang she found new depths in the words .
13 And as she played she sang in a high contralto .
14 Then one morning on her way to work she was distracted by a commotion across the street and as she crossed she saw the owner of the hand being thrown out of a shop .
15 And as she fell she sensed him plunge to meet her like a meteor on fire , heard the sound he made against her sundered throat .
16 It was like a pit , and as she fell she clutched at a hand , but the hand turned into a foot and the foot kicked her .
17 As she reached the gate at the farther edge she could see right under the low bridge — and as she looked she saw the van turn the bend at the top of the short hill leading to the bridge , and increase speed down it .
18 A woman in the audience/church left in the middle of the performance/wedding and as she left she trod on the foot of the man at the end of the row .
19 She wept silently ; passively ; and as she wept she heard Johnny say :
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