Example sentences of "and [conj] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The answer might seem to be that experience tells us that nation states are a key fact of the current world and that they plainly do often behave in a self-interested way .
2 At second interview however they said it was no problem to them to visit her , and that they now go only once a week , and ‘ do not mind carrying on ’ .
3 The guitar was described as a 1967 Fender Strat but I have since discovered that it was made in 1974 and that I therefore paid about £250 over the asking price .
4 It was reported that the final signing had been held up over successive objections raised by Taylor , and that he eventually signed only under pressure from Capt. Blaise Compaore , the head of state of Burkina , a country which , according to some reports , had previously been an important source of arms supplies to Taylor 's faction .
5 Also , although he would have denied it had any influence at all , Ketura had told him Jeopardy used that court , and that he always practised early .
6 Some Zuwaya and Magharba also thought that the postures adopted by their fellow tribesmen were undemocratic and retrograde , and so they too stayed away .
7 It 's best to use the work of three or four children spanning the ability range ; but children of less than nine may not write much , and so you probably need more than three or four children 's work to make up the 100 .
8 A really good thing about working over here is that in Australia the stars are a pretty tight-knit , small group and so you basically know almost everyone already .
9 And although we now occupy only one part of it , the northern and oldest part , yet once our range was wider .
10 CAB advisers are accustomed to finding themselves in the position of mediators , and although they usually sit comfortably in this role , many dislike the role of mediator between client , Department of Social Security and charity foundations that has been thrust upon them .
11 He was a regular in the designer bars that pose in the sun along the Portofino coastline and although he only drinks moderately , he has developed a taste for vintage champagne .
12 And if we ever meet again , we do n't know each other .
13 I mean , it 's , it 's er , it 's er very regrettable that it literally takes er a very good er Cup er run for Oxford to stand any chance of breaking even in a season , and if you consistently lose anywhere between ten and fourteen thousand pounds a week , er it 's almost inevitable that you will have to close .
14 They usually go round in family groups , and while they probably feed mainly on fish , they are able and willing to kill a seal if they find one .
15 The next day Boy thought about the film again , and while he still felt very approving of the woman in the film , Boy knew that the man he lived with would have disapproved very much of her whole attitude and the whole way her story had been told , would probably not even have stayed to watch the end of the film .
16 And that I , I would n't be adverse , I know it means you know you , you , if you put s some extra into one thing you 've got to take it away from somewhere else , but I , I , I would be quite happy to see them look at special needs and whether we actually need even more careers officer time for that .
17 We went round all the calves , removing the lethal crusts and scrubbing the buds clean , and when we finally drove away we knew that the brief but painful episode of the Billings calves was over .
18 The red ooze continued , despite a long session of self-doctoring from the car boot , and when I finally drove away my finger was swathed in the biggest , clumsiest dressing I had ever seen .
19 Holding , and when he finally bowled Amiss for a splendid 203 it was clear that the follow-on would not be avoided .
20 And when he suddenly rolled away from her , she was absolutely horrified .
21 And as they just died there it was just left there .
22 What we have here is , is a huge sheet of this material on the wall , and the visitors stand in front of this and press a flashlight which allows them then to make all sorts of poses on the wall , and as they then move away , their shadow is left on the wall so they can look back and see what their , their shadow was like in the pose .
23 The Iraqi armies were not pursued into their own country , er the attacks made were largely erm the fairly cheap and as we now know fairly ineffective er air strikes and that the main contest was in fact over Kuwait which was indeed the declared objective er of the whole operation .
24 We looked , and though we never said so , we believed that we alone had seen these things , that they had never been seen before .
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