Example sentences of "and [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This time in the hotels I particularly noticed how many people of different tongues were also staying there — all babbling away and making me wonder who they were and where they had come from .
2 Well it 's not an immediate problem , it just occurred to it 'd be nice to have you know I 've I 'm writing a list of the recordings as they come in and where they 've come from .
3 Elaborate procedures are set out to ensure that both the exporter and the importer know what the wastes are , and where they have come from .
4 People would stop in the street asking how we were and where we had come from all in perfect English .
5 This brief outline gives some idea of what has been going on and where we have got to , a brief outline of the key tasks , and the progress made on these .
6 And this , in spite of some effort on my part to prevent it , led to the subject of science fiction , and where it had gone since the original efforts of Swift and Verne and H. G. Wells .
7 It 's really getting things done in , in a like a , I du n no , a disciplined manner , like an ordered man , so each , what to do the , we discuss what we , what we 've got an action plan together and where it 's fired at so it does work .
8 We 've heard a lot this morning er about the merits of client server and where it 's come from in the last five years .
9 That , and my only tape , ‘ Shepherd Moons ’ , reminding me of where I 've been and where I 've come from .
10 He drove past the Café Unic , where his father and Jacques , and other members of their cadre had held their last meeting , and where he had dined with Isobel the night he asked her to marry him .
11 When you told me that Stapleton had owned a school in the north of England , I checked on him and where he had come from .
12 ‘ But the style of rugby I saw in August over there , and that we have seen on their tour of France and England , indicates that before very long the Springboks will be up there with the best .
13 Labour knows , and the long faces around the hon. Gentleman confirm , that the council tax is a winner and that we have found in three months the solution that has eluded Labour for three years .
14 Conducted by Justice Richard Goldstone , the inquiry found that the force used by policemen was " quite immoderate and disproportionate to any lawful object sought to be obtained " , that the police had killed at least 11 people by opening fire on a protest march , and that they had shot at least 127 people who were trying to run away .
15 They had claimed containers of worms found in their car had been dug in an unprotected area elsewhere and that they had stopped at the bay to gather mussels .
16 She was immediately angry with herself for admitting to Eleanor that she had read those newspaper items , and that they had got to her .
17 Does he accept that the Government are reducing to fewer than 300 ships the number of vessels that now sail under the red ensign and that they have treated with utter contempt the red ensign , which has served this country well in times of peace and war ?
18 He had written a book called Stilfragen on the history of the acanthus motif , and that I had studied as a student .
19 Stopping to ask a local woman where I might find Dr Mareda , I discovered that I was speaking to his companion , Vera , and that I had stopped outside their front door .
20 I told him that I was English , an ex-paratrooper and that I had come to be a legionnaire .
21 That one , that 's the big toe , is where the foot actually is twisted outwards this one is where the foot is curved under , and that I 've put in red because it 's the most common sort , very common , that is where the foot is forced up and that one is where it looks as though it 's standing on its toes .
22 I think he once did say to me that he was very disturbed at how much ‘ coke ’ David was doing and that it had got to the point where he did n't hide it from deFries , whereas he did for quite a while at first .
23 The Oil Ministry announced on March 6 that damage assessment was under way and that it had embarked on a large-scale rehabilitation effort to restore buildings , pipelines and damaged reservoirs .
24 We know then that the legend is false and that it became attached to a much older custom , but what was the Horngarth itself and for what purpose was it erected ?
25 My belief is that our good practice has evolved over a period of more than 50 years and that it has developed in classrooms through the dedicated expertise of British teachers enjoying the relative freedom traditionally allowed within our education system .
26 Is my hon. Friend aware that my constituency is extremely attractive geographically for countries making inward investment in Britain and that it has prospered from such inward investment ?
27 No one asked that question , they simply focused upon er the , the communist insurrection in the south and the American , American commitment to the global containment of communism meant that they had to go and do something about it and domestic political pressures were there too er President Kennedy came out of the Cuban missiles crisis a hero because his people mistakenly believed that he 'd won a foreign policy success and that he 'd acted in a restrained and statesmanlike manor .
28 What I what I thought was , well let's have erm , Woodrow Wilson , okay , as you said at the beginning of the book , Freud admits that he did n't like Wilson , and that he felt betrayed by Wilson , like a lot of people in Central Europe did I suppose , because you know , Wilson came over erm , with fourteen points as the saviour of the world , and went away leaving with a piece of .
29 And then of course , the other characteristics that go with religion , and that he had emphasized in other books on Totem and Taboo , like guilt , the feeling that you ought to obey the moral commands of the parents , because after all the parents were n't just benevolent entities who looked after you and rewarded you and praised you , but they were your judges and censors as well .
30 Meanwhile their investigation had received help from Roxie Farmer 's reluctant admission that her brother had been staying with her , and that he had gone off one day , borrowing her former husband 's bike , and had come back with blood on him .
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