Example sentences of "and [conj] [noun pl] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Non-stop mix-transfers are a three-handed job , and you will need the help of an assistant to cue-in the music material and to take care of the changing of source-discs and or cassettes on the replay machine if required .
2 Where the degree course and the HNC/HND course are designed to form a continuous integrated programme and where students by the end of the second year or the equivalent stage have not only achieved the SCOTVEC award but also satisfied the objectives and reached the standard required by CNAA for that stage of a degree course , students may take one further academic year of full-time study for a Degree and two further academic years of full-time study for an Honours Degree ( or the part-time equivalents ) .
3 The only exceptions are the counties of Cornwall and Lancaster , where the foreshore is owned by the respective Duchies , and where grants of the foreshore have been made by the Crown to other parties .
4 At the Women for Socialism conference , for which I was one of the organisers , councillor , Martha Osamor , argued very much that the time for getting into groups and discussing the whys and where fors of the theory , had passed .
5 These matters were dealt with quite properly ; and where departures from the Local Plan were permitted , this was after advertisement and reference to the Secretary of State for the Environment , who could have intervened , but chose not to do so .
6 The approach to the CNAA in 1965 from the Scottish Woollen Textile College for the associateship in textile design to become a degree raised the questions we have already discussed regarding the position of art and design , but it also raised the question of submissions from colleges where entry standards had not been at the level of the DipTech , and where issues of the college environment needed to be discussed .
7 The black sands were wind-eroded basalt , and where parts of the sheet remained intact — and in basins and wadis — there was still radioactivity so that the desert could be navigated in safety only by the well-tried routes .
8 The first of these proposes that where partners or senior employees of a firm intend to join an audit client company , they should immediately inform their firm of their employment plans and take no part in the audit of their future employer , and that connections with the firm should be severed .
9 Group Captain Martin Armstrong FHCIMA , director of RAF catering , said that after much debate , a blueprint of the optimum private/in-house mix for the next decade was in place and that elements of the catering at every RAF station in the UK would be market tested .
10 In a case study of a school 's discussions of an option scheme Hurman noted that they were really about the status of various subject departments , and that discussions on the core curriculum ignored what lay beneath the subject label .
11 But there is no doubt that most were working differently , and that changes in the labour process were part and parcel of the explosion in productive potential .
12 The Board ensures that the Group 's resources are used effectively and that companies of the Group are managed properly in the best interests of both shareholders and employees .
13 The so-called Columbian school maintain that syphilis was endemic to North America and that members of the crew of Columbus 's first expedition acquired the infection and brought it back to Barcelona in 1493 .
14 Rainbow knows only that the waves break around us , rough and discoloured , and that things below the surface are brushing , nuzzling or jostling against her .
15 You know this whole of idea of things and ritual being the holy and that things in the ritual there yes , there are sacred symbols and they need to be handled in that , that , that sense of sacredness , but the that which makes them sacred is the person , our Lord and us in communion with him and with each other and it seems to me that wherever that happens there is sacrament .
16 It proposed that the minimum threshold for representation in the assembly should be " relatively low " to allow for the widest possible representation , and that decisions within the assembly should be by a two-thirds majority .
17 Given the delay in the appointment of a new Director ( see later ) the Directorate feel that preparation for CCT must continue and that options for the restructuring of the Department should be available when an appointment is made .
18 144 , it was ruled that the somewhat similar provision in the English Act of 1910 against adjourning for over a month struck only at the consideration of new business and that matters before the court at the general or adjourned meeting could be considered at a further adjournment out with the month .
19 144 , it was ruled that the somewhat similar prohibition in the English Act of 1910 against adjourning for over a month struck only at consideration of new business , and that matters before the court at the general or adjourned meeting could be considered at a further adjournment outwith the month .
20 It became clear to Truman as the months passed that the Soviet government was taking little heed of these threats and that differences over the composition of the Polish and other East European governments , over the fate of Germany and a host of other issues , remained as wide as ever .
21 To avoid both this and the possibility of being forced into national level negotiation with Wilson , the Federation Council at a meeting held on 29 November 1912 , resolved " that the state of the shipping trade warrants a substantial increase in the wages of seamen all round the coast from January 1st. next , and that meetings of the district committees to give effect to this resolution be held forthwith " .
22 Interactive says there is a lot of interest , and that ports of the technology for Sun Sparc and IBM RS/6000 systems are being proposed .
23 Yes , if by this we mean that a third party could urge this on the dog 's behalf and that sanctions of the law might well ensue .
24 Many people did not realise that there are different kinds of grammar , and that conventions in the use of language keep changing .
25 In a report , Prisons ' Inspector , Judge Stephen Tumim singled out the jail for criticism , saying that staff are regularly intimidated by inmates , drug taking is rife and that parts of the jail are becoming no go areas for warders .
26 Erm we 've heard from Mr Williamson that it fills a strategic gap and guidance and that pressures on the countryside are exerted daily and curiously enough it was n't a policy of restraint or restriction .
27 San Diego-based Brooktree Corp and TRW Inc 's LSI Products Inc say they have reached a settlement of the patent infringement lawsuit filed by Brooktree in 1991 , and that terms of the agreement are favourable to both parties ; the settlement marks the end of all Brooktree 's current patent litigation .
28 Yet the public is regularly given the impression that a general solution to the problem of natural-language understanding has been found , and that computers with the ability to chat to us and with various other human characteristics are just around the corner .
29 Photographs , of course , can be used to prove just about anything , but those that have been published would seem strongly to confirm that there was no damage to the stone , and that judgements to the contrary are simply unfounded .
30 The counter , from James Wyngaarden , NIH 's director , and his immediate predecessor , Donald Fredrickson , was that contemporary biomedical research is a seamless entity at the sub-cellular level , and that labels on the laboratory door are increasingly meaningless .
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