Example sentences of "and [conj] [pron] was [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Following the publication of er draft figures , I discussed these with the districts , and where it was felt appropriate to take on board s er suggestions made by the districts , this was done .
2 Where he 'd come from and where he was ensured one thing : like Garnett , Mercer , and Loach , Goodwin was a socialist .
3 The company explains its performance by saying that 1989 was the first year that the US contributed the majority of its sales , 61% of the total , and that it was hit that year by a 35% fall in the UK because it was too reliant on one customer ; it raised £1.5m in a rights issue .
4 The answer received was that all people who have lived in that area have imprinted their personalities on the chalk , which in origin is organic , and that he was picking this up : ‘ As a sensitive , you replay , like a gramophone record , everything that has been recorded on the chalk !
5 utterance was taken out of context , and that he was advocating greater involvement by the national parliaments ?
6 utterance was taken out of context , and that he was advocating greater involvement by the national parliaments ?
7 An X-ray showed that 's lungs had n't fully matured and that he was suffering respiratory distress syndrome .
8 At this point I could see that Maxine was beginning to breathe more quickly and that she was becoming restless .
9 It was a manifesto for change , and although it was given greater publicity by the Tories and the local press than by the Labour Party , it was with this manifesto that Labour increased its majority in Haringey .
10 So there was the swings and roundabouts where had they not recognized and had come along with us , to the extent that we thought we could do our , a sharing objective er and it brought them out of the , the attitude that was hitherto adopted where well management really could n't care very much you know , if a man did suffer the loss of er five pound a week or whatever you know , and , and once it was made clear to him that there was no further er er use of the procedure and he could take it through his district you know , if he liked , the man did n't , well on exceptional cases perhaps they may have taken a case through , but er in the majority of cases the man just accepted it , and made up his losses er er later on .
11 Often when talking with the girls she had noticed that whenever Moran entered the room silence and deadness would fall on them ; and if he was eating alone or working in the room setting the teeth of a saw , putting a handle in a broken spade on a wet day , taking apart the lighting plant that never seemed to run properly for long — they always tried to slip away .
12 She had already visited the de Chavigny showrooms there , and because she was feeling nervous she had been more than usually extravagant .
13 I 'm quite an independent person , but I was quite insecure , I needed someone to say this is good , this is bad , and because he was doing that it gave me the determination I needed .
14 The dragon 's internal boiler was situated very near to its stomach , and since he was making tremendous efforts to cool down , there were also terrifying hissing and grinding sounds .
15 His servant came to pack his clothes , and while he was doing this , he told Dorian that the dead man was a sailor , but no one knew his name .
16 The day that made the appointment to see and Co , Nick after coming out of that meeting with Nick , we called in at the office , myself and my wife , and whilst I was tidying some things up because I 'd got the remainder of the afternoon off , Charles ' wife said to my wife , my wife actually broke down in tears , and she says , What 's up ?
17 And whilst he was doing that operation where was P C ?
18 The number of detectives on the case had risen to a dozen and before it was finished that number might rise to fifty or sixty .
19 We had no Balls as such in those days , we would have a dance , and when I was entertaining any of my theatrical friends from the West End it was always Tommy that I selected to do some special entertaining — well within the reach of the station commander 's entertaining fund .
20 I ca n't remember now , I know I 've had a go to have a look at them to see how , to see exactly how , cos what I thought , what I thought I was gon na do was , I did n't like the furniture of the , of the speakers and when I was keeping that system I was gon na remount the speakers in the box a bit more you know decorative
21 The case of the plaintiff is that he should still have been told and advised about the er availability of this provision , particularly when he was clearly er fearful of the financial consequences to him of completing this and when he was expressing those fears forcefully er to Mr .
22 He had been a sub-editor in those days , working for a huge magazine corporation , and they had struck up an instant rapport , and when he was made first assistant editor and then editor , always moving from magazine to magazine , he had pushed work her way whenever he could .
23 He took no special notice of her , but she felt welcome , and when he was explaining some method of or reason for the cultivation of certain trees , she sensed he was talking to her as much as to the boys and girls around them .
24 He moved across to them , and when he was standing next to André she noticed how much taller and more powerfully built he was .
25 Lineker also reveals his anger when Taylor criticised him after an international against the Republic of Ireland and when he was dropped 24 hours before a friendly with France .
26 Where shall ye now get as much money as ye owe ? ’ , and when she was given forty pence she bought herself a furred cloak with it rather than paying off any of her debts .
27 And I scrambled out of me chain and as I was doing that 's the last he remembers .
28 Nigel and I had been together , as the saying goes , for ten or more years , and as he was approaching sixty — at which age he proposed to retire , we had , for more than a year , spent many weekends searching the British Isles for a dwelling with water-power which , with Nigel 's expertise , would supply all our heating and lighting needs and , in Nigel 's words , ‘ free us from the vagaries of Scargill and the Oil Sheiks ’ .
29 Pete picked it up , looked at the label , and then set it down again ; and as he was doing this , Alina appeared in the doorway .
30 The olive colouring of her skin was back in full bloom , and though she was wearing little or no make-up , her lips , or rather her mouth , which , with her nose , was the most notable part of her features , was bright red .
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