Example sentences of "and [conj] [pron] [vb past] [to-vb] it " in BNC.

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1 Many of the cases , such as Seager v Copydex ( 1967 ) 1 WLR 923 , concerned actual or threatened breaches by ex-employees in relation to information given to them by their former employers , and where they wanted to exploit it to their own benefit .
2 No matter that it had been police business , and that someone had to do it , he had personally selected Phyllis Henley yesterday .
3 I felt that George was tired of Lennie 's stupidness but he knew that Lennie could n't help it and that he had to withstand it .
4 He said it contained his own private cargo and that he wanted to unload it himself .
5 A MAN told police that a block of cannabis found in his mother 's freezer was his and that he intended to supply it to others , Darlington magistrates heard yesterday .
6 Both that she should know ( had he told her ? ) and that she wanted to discuss it .
7 ‘ IT 'S ALL about a bunch of old lags who probably should n't , but help themselves they could n't , and if they had to do it again they would n't … ‘
8 She was not the dependent type and if she had to go it alone then so be it .
9 It is survival of the fittest out there and if I had to do it again I believe I would .
10 Busking was undignified , he said , and if I wanted to do it , then fine , but not anywhere near him , thank you very much .
11 And if he managed to do it without her noticing , when they got to the pub his father would be waiting there .
12 You knew from the beginning the terms of the thing , and if you tried to make it more serious than that , you only lost him the quicker .
13 The noise of the engine was muffled by the mist — and if anybody happened to hear it , what did it matter ?
14 She raised her tear-stained face to his and it seemed quite natural to place his lips on has , and since she seemed to welcome it , he kept them there .
15 Continuing a long and impassioned address , Mr Paisley said ‘ If the Roman Catholic Church flew the Union jack at their chapel I would have no objection , and when they wished to pull it down was their business and their property , but the City Hall was our property ’ .
16 We had to change where we were going and when we tried to climb it , it was much harder than I 'd anticipated .
17 I 'll just tell him he left his door open , and when I went to shut it , I saw the mess . ’
18 Three months ago I purchased a Waterlife Nitrate Test kit from my local water garden centre and when I tried to use it consistently got a zero reading .
19 Spilt drink stuck to my bare toes , and when I tried to wipe it off , it changed into blood .
20 My left arm was dripping with blood , and when I tried to raise it only the top part moved , the rest hung limply by my side .
21 I worked beside Bill and when he had to resign it seemed appropriate for me to step forward .
22 The attacker claimed that Carter had threatened him with the knife and when he tried to take it from him , Carter had been wounded .
23 He began to walk down to the windows and saw an envelope on the floor and when he bent to pick it up , the floor creaked and gave way . ’
24 She felt as though she were suffocating in the heat , as though it were stopping her nostrils , sealing her mouth , and when she tried to breathe it forced itself down into her stomach and made her heave .
25 I — ’ The ringing of the telephone cut him off , and as he went to answer it Leith , while coping with shock , began to get furious .
26 Then they were aware of something , out there beyond the benches , which they could sense moving silently in the mist , and though he strained to see it he could not quite catch the thing in one place , for it seemed to come ant go , larger than the bench and bin , looming nearer but not quite seen , dark and grey and pointing to the sky .
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