Example sentences of "and [conj] [pron] have [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 This brief outline gives some idea of what has been going on and where we have got to , a brief outline of the key tasks , and the progress made on these .
2 My right hon. Friend will agree that those questions must be answered and that we have to get to the very heart of the scandal to ensure that it should not happen again , not only in Leicestershire but elsewhere , and those responsible for the cover-up are made to realise what they have done and the subsequent effect it has had on numerous children .
3 She was immediately angry with herself for admitting to Eleanor that she had read those newspaper items , and that they had got to her .
4 I told him that I was English , an ex-paratrooper and that I had come to be a legionnaire .
5 I think he once did say to me that he was very disturbed at how much ‘ coke ’ David was doing and that it had got to the point where he did n't hide it from deFries , whereas he did for quite a while at first .
6 We told the child that there was a chocolate in one of the boxes and that he had to point to one of them — guessing of course — to tell the experimenter where to look for the chocolate .
7 Fran had read all she could about Luke Calder before the interview and knew that he came from the poorest part of Glasgow and that he had got to where he was today by dint of sheer hard work and determination , but , looking at him now , she found it hard to imagine that he had come from anything but a moneyed background .
8 He replied that he had tried to get an attorney to break the contract and that he had spoken to this lawyer and that lawyer .
9 It just generally makes you more aware of the closness of the ground and that you 've got to be more careful at these sort of heights
10 At first interview she said the strain of looking after her mother-in-law was considerable , that it was putting a strain on her marriage in that she and her husband were always quarrelling these days , and that she had got to the point when ‘ I feel I ca n't go on any longer ’ .
11 He told them that he had separated from his Argentinian-born wife four years ago and that she had returned to Buenos Aires .
12 And so you 've got to be like a bloody monkey and you 've got to climb up the side of the van and climb along the side of the van without damaging any of the furniture right to the front to find the box to bring it back again .
13 But they do not question traditional psychology 's male-identified emphasis on , for example , objectivity and success : ‘ We are both feminists … and although we have tried to be objective about the value-laden topics discussed in this book , we know we can not have succeeded entirely ’ ( 1974 : 12–13 , my emphasis ) .
14 They would be beginning to starve ; and once they had dropped to the level of homeless , destitute paupers they would never again rise .
15 Most publications will give you a number to ring even if they will not give an address , and once you have spoken to the potential recipients you should have no trouble in getting addresses — and a convenient time — to deliver .
16 For the simple reason that we have no debt to finance , we have no debts to finance , and if we 'd listened to you over the years , on our sur surplus land and property .
17 Fair enough : - I agree that Wilko did a good job breaking in Cantona , and if he 'd gone to the scum then he 'd probably have moved on just as quickly .
18 He had misjudged the situation , and if he had added to his problems , it was his own fault .
19 As you know , these programmes come to you from the University of Sussex , and if you 've listened to any of them in the past , you 'll know that they 're devoted to topics and subjects in which we feel we have some expertise , and which we think would be of special interest to the local community .
20 There 's always something and if you have to go to law they 'll take you for every penny you 've got .
21 Try to continue the pattern as long as possible and if you have to return to stocking stitch do make sure that the work matches on both sides of the neck .
22 Well obviously we want the incident to be brought to an end and until it 's brought to and end you always have that fear that there might have been another tragedy .
23 These these black blobs are supposed to be proteins and and I 've tried to er illustrate the orientation of the protein by showing these er these supposedly er glyco er substi substituents on the outside of the cell .
24 We had to put it in erm oh what did we call it oh dear a little vice and er put a ball , about three inches long and then er put it into the plug and erm put the cap , the little brass cap but also the I 've made a mistake there , before we did that we had to put the natural plug in and in that plug there were five like aluminium coloured er pins , each of a different size and we had to learn to read the key for the various depths you see and we had boxes of pins with the different sizes in and er then put those in the plug and then push the key in and but we 'd got to , we got to file , we had to file the bars and also the little brass caps to get all the edge the , I forget what we used to call it now , off the cap to get it smooth and then get it in our own vice and screw , screw them down and there were thirty two , there were three key keys to each , each lock , and er we had to file them until they were ready and they worked easily push the key in properly , and we also used to put black lead in , you could not put oil because they would have stopped the springs working and we had a little box of ordinary oh like the black lead that we used to black lead the graves , put some on the key and push that then and work it round , and that was the erm that was made it work freely you see and then there was erm a half a gross to each board , and three , three keys to each one and then erm we , we filed the various things ourselves , but then they would take that away from you and bring you more you see and then when eventually the keys had to be polished and it was only a favourite few that were allowed to sit down to sort the keys out to com to complete them you see , but it was very very interesting work and I enjoyed being there but you
25 And whilst I have gone to Middleton 's grave in the village of Mildenhall , I have found that I could in no way criticise his rejection of my plea that he stayed with the Pathfinders .
26 Chuck and Joseph , flushed and tousle-haired from their dip , looked in to bid her goodnight , and after they had returned to their hut she tried to resume her book by the lamp .
27 This study compares the methods used to diagnose pyloric stenosis at Camperdown children 's hospital during two periods , 1974–7 and 1988–91 , to determine whether imaging is being used more frequently and whether it has led to earlier diagnosis and better management of pyloric stenosis .
28 Newco and its advisers should consider how the target has taken care of the well-being of its employees , and whether it has conformed to health and safety legislation .
29 With luck the senior Girl would tell them precisely what they could or could not do , and when they had to return to the Club .
30 The two girls were silent as they cooked and when they had to speak to one another spoke in quick , urgent whispers .
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