Example sentences of "and [conj] [pron] [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Another poem that I have dated in the typescript ‘ December , 1957 , Plaza de Anaya , Salamanca ’ , is one I was able to write for myself , and that I never showed to Dana .
2 And the worst thing is she was trying to tell a coloured person that there was n't any prejudice , and that you only come to school to learn about the European way of life .
3 Whatever the truth of the matter , however , it is enough for present purposes to note that the latest date given in any of the sources is 873/1468 and that there thus appears to be a gap of at least five years between the death of Fahreddin Acemi and the accession of Molla Husrev to the Muftilik .
4 First , she contended that her husband put her under undue pressure to sign and that she finally succumbed to the pressure .
5 By keeping it more or less behind them and to their left they could be sure of travelling north-west which was the direction they believed right but the inequalities of the ground often forced them out of their way and although they always returned to their line they had to guess what corrections to make to allow for obstacles .
6 In one way the length of the history was a good thing as I have benefited in the end from the latest surgical techniques available in London , and although I still have to be careful it has made a tremendous difference to my life .
7 I believe in taking action on fact and not fantasy , but I think it was Lord Zuckerman who was the scientific advisor to the government , who said that government has never taken preventive measures that would prove to be unjustified , and if you always wait to the last moment before being convinced to do anything , that 's often a moment too late .
8 And if you really mean to be a good servant you should have noticed that the Master 's tea is cold , and the pot needs — refreshing , I believe , is the Yankee word . ’
9 And if you never speak to me again , I wo n't ask why , unless you tell me I can . ’
10 if anybody can sort of if you write in English , maybe could send it to you , could get it translated at the Stortford , oh that might be very useful , erm , I mean , I 'll certainly do some letters and if anybody else wants to , if they let me know I 'll let them have the addresses for them , erm , there are fax as well and that suppose to be a quicker way than writing a letter actually than send through a fax , right , erm , if anybody can then we could send them to you and , and ask you to send it on , and we would sort of postage , would be covered would it Margaret ?
11 In contrast , if you are white , and unless you actually subscribe to racist arguments , you will want to find ways of dissociating yourself from the views expressed here .
12 What is more , Marx was not consistent in his account of ideology and while he sometimes seems to be referring to what Mannheim was later to call ‘ total ideology ’ , at other times he seems to be referring to a ‘ particular conception ’ of ideology with its psychologistic basis .
13 The drama created a desire , a need for knowledge , which was useful to them — and when they later returned to their drama they were far more committed to it .
14 Well actually I always think , Win always say that the W I runs itself because everyone gets on with things and they do n't need to be told and , and when it actually comes to it no nobody wants to become president or officer . .
15 Wi with with with all due respect you know we we we 're talking about the precision of the word and when you actually come to a ten point scale there will be some imprecision anyway in the is it a six ?
16 It was then that the Italian people began to understand what his intentions were ; and when he later referred to the need for the colonies to be protected from aggression , it seemed clear that war in Africa could not be avoided .
17 But she was a cheery old sort , if a shade old-fashioned ( ‘ I am old enough to be your mother , Prime Minister' had gone down rather well ) , and when she finally shuddered to a halt , having gone through at least two red lights , she was rewarded with much applause .
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