Example sentences of "and [conj] [pron] [verb] into [art] " in BNC.

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2 And so you came into the desert
3 I 'm intrigued by that , ’ and so you move into the article .
4 The nadir was reached when the Royal 600cc class went out with only 10 starters and although it developed into a tremendous race between Joey Dunlop and Ian King , there was n't the strength in depth which we have come to take for granted .
5 which we need to be and once we get into the rhythm I 'm sure it 'll all be a lot easier but you seem to have a calmness about your how you speak which is good and you know I 'm sure I 'll go to pieces but erm yeah it was just , and what I 've picked up on as you say where it 's er how did you come to Friends Provident bum de bum de bum , we 're going through erm a structured erm spiel if you like and then they 're saying well I do n't really wan na give you any you know , recommendations at this moment and erm what we should do there is , is I suppose apack that is n't it ?
6 It looks alright on the surface , you 're not going through a hassle at the moment , and our memories are short , fortunately and once we come into a calm patch the hassles of yesterday are quickly forgotten .
7 And if anything fell into the category of being impossible it was the former BR standard pacific Duke of Gloucester .
8 And if I fall into the pulse at the start of a piece of music it is a physical joy .
9 ‘ He wanted to develop his business on a private basis , and if he came into the glare of publicity as owner of Manchester United he would not be able to do that , ’ one of the negotiators said .
10 And if you delve into the family archives you 'll find that over the centuries , on the somewhat rare occasions when the two halves have been clasped together , the marriages are recorded as being extremely happy ones . ’
11 But there are particular areas like this , you having to wait a long time and if you come into the building to go and see a film and you 've you 've left an hour to , to have some food you , you really should n't be missing the film because
12 We approached the crackling silhouette through floating fields of pumice which rattled against our wooden hull , and when we stepped into the surf to haul our boat on to the beach , as black as the night around us , our bare feet sank into sand too hot for comfort .
13 All of a sudden there 's the snow and the ice and when we pulled into the village they got this fl flat roof some of the buildings and the snow must have been about ten twelve feet deep on top of the roofs where they cut a path through through to get to the village .
14 If anybody sneezes all hell breaks loose , she 's petrified of traffic and when someone comes into the house she sits on the bed and shakes .
15 By then the noise of the avalanche had died away , only the echoes of it reverberating across the valley , and when I shifted into the driving seat and looked back , the road behind us had ceased to exist .
16 I wept a little as I climbed the creaky stairs , and when I got into the attic I knelt down beside the bed , put my hands together and prayed .
17 It was wonderful to see so many people and when I walked into the room I was actually quite terrified .
18 There were several cars in the drive and when I went into the house I saw that Mrs Rumney had a few people in for drinks ; people like herself — upper class and of obvious refinement .
19 She did n't point out that they had to go back the way they had come , and when he reached into the back and handed her a water container she drank gladly .
20 And when he came into the Pincushion Room and rested his elbows on the window-ledge , he would look out of the window at the garden bright with midsummer sun or bathed in moonlight and think , all this is mine , that garden , that fruit cage within the flint walls , that lake , the Little Wood , as far as I can see on either side of me and in front of the house and behind , all that is mine …
21 As he shaved his reflection seemed to be the face of a low criminal — or like one of Bodo 's associates — and when he went into the sitting-room his wife bore more than a passing resemblance to an exceptionally severe judge about to condemn that criminal to hard labour for life .
22 It was great to win but I was disgusted with the way spectators cheered Paul 's bad shots and when he went into the bunker .
23 The terrace door was open and when he went into the house Ken Corduroy found further disorder ; another chair knocked over , dirty glasses and a smell of spilled whisky .
24 Benny had made friends with the local tobacconist and when he walked into the shop at four-thirty-five on Monday he was immediately drawn into conversation .
25 And when he come into the pub he hears the village lads singing along with the machine and he has a go himself and gets to talking with everyone .
26 The house was quiet , no sign of Matey 's bustling presence , and when she walked into the kitchen , taking off her shabby black hat , pulling the hat pins out of her abundant hair , she found Dr Neil , sitting at the kitchen table , his tea before him , quite alone .
27 Going back along the ditch and down beside the house , she tried to convince herself that no one would have heard her love-shriek , but she was already frightened that they had , and when she tiptoed into the scullery and crossed to her straw pallet in the corner , her fear increased tenfold , for she was immediately certain that the blanket had been moved and that someone had been there in the scullery only minutes before .
28 And when she went into the garden all she could see were some fading lupins and irises , not enough to fill one vase .
29 Aggie accompanied the gangling totter to his cart and when she peered into the cardboard box and saw the kitten she shook her head sadly .
30 They heard his step falter and as they pressed into the doorway after him they came face to face with Philippe Maurin , holding a gun .
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