Example sentences of "and [conj] [pron] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Few visible signs of such domestic industries remain , but the fine octagonal market house on the village green at Harrold is where work was distributed among the lace-makers , and where they brought the finished lace to be paid for by the employers .
2 Teaching effectively in higher education calls for the extraordinary ability on the part of the teacher to bring students to the point where they can distinguish sense from nonsense for themselves , where they can say and do things for themselves and give reasons for so doing which are full of insight , and where they have the intellectual resources to take off under their own steam .
3 May I remind him that inflation has come down from 10.9 to 3.7 per cent. , that interest rates have been cut by 4.5 percentage points and that we have the lowest level of inflation for 25 years — below that of west Germany .
4 I shall tell him that we have every reason to believe that the bomber was carrying a smuggled explosive device aboard , that its detonation was triggered by a radio wave and that we have the miscreant responsible in our hands .
5 If we claim our interest is to focus on the writing produced only by a sophisticated elite , and that we determine the best literature is that which , in terms of generic structure , subject , and eloquent rhetoric , concerns itself with the preoccupations of males who have a high social and political standing , then the traditional canon will serve the majority of our needs .
6 Although we have not seen the report we have had encouraging indication that in some of the key areas BZW 's views and recommendations are broadly consistent with the views we have submitted to DTI and that they support the next steps we are taking .
7 Remains of older persons present more of a problem , and when dealing with earlier populations , it is difficult to be sure that significant age-changes took place at the same time , and that they showed the same group variability , as in modem populations .
8 Often it claims that results obtained by such methods do not need formalization ; that they explain themselves ; and that they generate the new questions that the discipline needs .
9 It was within this kind of environment that chivalry flourished , that young men learned to identify , their vassalage towards their lord as a symbol of their honour , that they debated the relative merits of Roland 's and Oliver 's way of displaying loyalty ; and that they learned the finer points of jousting .
10 ‘ But understand , from my side , that I 'd like to see her once a fortnight , if it 's just for an hour , and that whatever holidays the other bairns have , she 's got to have the same .
11 Medoc believes that a child exists somewhere in secrecy , and that it possesses the ancient wolfblood . ’
12 However , many commentators believe the consultation process has focused too heavily on passenger , mainly tourist , traffic and that it underestimates the potential growth in freight traffic using the Tunnel .
13 Observers commented that the party 's support appeared to come largely from the Kikuyu , the country 's largest ethnic group , and that it lacked the broad-based support enjoyed by FORD .
14 The show 's organisers and officials of the Canadian Hellenic Congress , an organisation of Greeks in Canada , say the exhibition has been five years in the making and that it reflects the excellent cultural ties between Greeks and Canadians .
15 The significance of an offer of compensation is that it may be taken as a token of the defendant 's remorse , and that it redresses the private loss of the victim , and to that extent and no other it plays a part in the sentencing exercise .
16 Moreover , as Descartes means it , the view that thought is essential to mind is the view that the mind ‘ always thinks , and that it has the actual perception of ideas in itself constantly , as long as it exists ’ .
17 Djilas did not at this stage of his analysis refer to bureaucracy as a class , though he recognized that it had exclusive control of production and distribution and that it expropriated the economic surplus for itself at the expense of the ‘ direct producers ’ .
18 Commenting on its figures ( page seven ) , National Semiconductor Corp says it expects fourth quarter gross margins to improve over third quarter margins and that third quarter worldwide orders set a new record , up 40% over last year , and that it entered the fourth quarter with an improved backlog — record OEM orders more than offset seasonal weaknesses in distribution to give record orders for the Americas ; European orders were up while Japanese markets weakened slightly .
19 It s vital that the school has an agreed policy on equal opportunities and that it carries the wholehearted support of both governors and staff .
20 — the right to examine Government legislation and that he stop the appalling use of the guillotine which stifles it ?
21 He was an ecologist of international significance , widely acknowledged — indeed revered — as the pre-eminent British field botanist of his time , and his prowess was the more remarkable given that he was born , blind in one eye , into a poor Welsh family , that he left school at 14 , and that he spent the first 33 years of his working life as a North Wales quarryman .
22 I knew that Niki had not been happy at Ferrari , that he found the pressure of the Italian press and of Italians in general something abhorrent , that he did n't like being attacked in that country 's three sporting dailies as a failure , and that he found the byzantine intricacies of Ferrari 's Maranello a bit hard to take .
23 He was not particularly pleased with the result , however : when The Family Reunion had been televised two years before , he confessed that it was the first television play he had seen and that he found the medium deficient .
24 The artist … explained that the printer 's contribution in creating the official lithograph was merely mechanical , that his sole contribution was to reproduce the original as closely as possible , and that she had the absolute right of approval of all aspects of the final prints .
25 Proprietors of the Marquee Club from its original late '50s berth beneath the Academy Cinema on Oxford Street until 19887 , apart from anything else the Pendletons thought it would be nice to gather their musician friends together for a weekend garden party , and so they staged the National Jazz Festival at Richmond Athletic Ground on August 26/27 , 1961 .
26 Only a small minority had claimed unemployment benefit before and so they found the complex procedures bewildering and confusing .
27 We struck out for Cambridge and although we made the odd wrong turn they were quickly rectified and with luck on our side we found the hotel .
28 Laura Ashley bought substantial amounts of tweed from Cambrian Mill and although they paid the regular price , the company drew upon its charity budget to subsidize this at the rate of a pound per metre .
29 And although he produced the right paperwork , they could n't understand it .
30 Digby Wyatt 's earliest extant building is the Gothic Aldingham Hall , Cumbria , of 1846 to 1850 , and although he designed the Pompeian , Byzantine , English Gothic , Italian and Renaissance Courts at the re-erected Crystal Palace at Sydenham in 1854 , and The Art Journal commented that he had ‘ in practice attached himself more heartily to the classic ’ , he felt , like Scott , that the nineteenth century should have its particular form of architecture , but unlike Scott , he thought that this should be an adaptation of the Cinquecento style .
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