Example sentences of "and [conj] [pron] [verb] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Many parents also want to know what pupils do and where they go after leaving school — how many go into further education , to university or into employment .
2 Will my right hon. Friend confirm that our friends and allies round the world who may be faced with potentially aggressive neighbours are entitled to look to us for support in arms sales , for example , of the Challenger tank which is made in Leeds , and that nothing proposed on restricting arms sales generally in the interests of world peace will prevent us from supporting our allies in circumstances where that is necessary ?
3 They believe that the interpretation is from a later period of the Church and that it arises from using the parable for teaching purposes .
4 Two days before the funeral Henry was asked to give a short speech , and although he began by saying he would not be able to talk , did n't think he could get the words out , was no orator , ended , of course by accepting .
5 Andy the gardener was standing around on the lower terrace looking at some white geraniums he had set out in an urn by the pool house , and although she shrank from returning to the scene of yesterday 's shame , she decided to go and rap with him .
6 We are fortunate inbeing able to use the video camera at training weekends and once you have over come the shock of seeing yourself , most students find it a valuable addition to their training .
7 This activity is performed by the hand , when we think by writing ; by the mouth and larynx , when we think by speaking ; and if we think by imagining signs or pictures , I can give you no agent that thinks .
8 He had to watch her carefully , he said , and if she felt like pottering around , that was good medicine , Anything was that encouraged her to be cheerful .
9 And if it comes to facing the music , you 're not thinking of shooting it out with the police , I hope ?
10 You tell me what you 'd like to eat exactly in future and if I feel like doing it I 'll do it .
11 You tell me what you 'd like to eat exactly in future and if I feel like doing it I 'll do it .
12 It must have threatened him not only with disillusionment , but with a despair verging on the suicidal ; and if he persists in disseminating the message , he does so almost somnambulistically , as a means of distracting himself from his uncertainties .
13 Tom told himself that beggars could not be choosers and if he jibbed at playing the flute in this company he could always sing .
14 And if you insist on rushing off … ’
15 ‘ He said , ‘ You 're going to have to get seriously fit , and if you commit to doing it , you must complete it ’ . ’
16 We have had considerable difficulty in the current year , in meeting the demand upon children 's services , and we have met those difficulties , in no small part , from the use of carry forwards within the year , and before you come to looking at reductions in services on the salmon papers , the children 's service is going to , and in fact is doing a redirection of its funding to ensure that it stays within its base budget in future years .
17 ‘ Poor Lavinia is certainly past hope , and whether she ends by giving the property to Araminta or Benedict you can not possibly remain there . ’
18 An adult 's constant blaming of another can also be heard as the angry protest of the deprived internal infant within that adult body , and when it turns to whining , may also serve to express the yearning and become an attempt to control the whereabouts of the other .
19 And when it came to moving them around , who was going to take any notice of vehicles coming and going from a hospital ?
20 When Labour opposed sequestration of union assets it meant , ‘ strike freely ’ , when it said trade union immunities would be restored it meant ‘ strike often ’ , and when it approved of enabling secondary action it meant ‘ strike anywhere ’ .
21 And when it comes to discussing the birds and bees with their parents , nearly half the boys we questioned would rather talk to mum .
22 He is likely to knock you off your feet just being led across the yard if he can find anything to spook at , and when it comes to removing rugs he is something of a Houdini .
23 Older children prefer humour to violence , says Moffat , and when it comes to watching adult television , they like nothing better than soaps like Neighbours and Home and Away , which may tackle tough issues , but approach them with a certain old-fashioned morality , and contain little violence .
24 It 'll be hard getting the visa , but the Russians are very sentimental people , and when it comes to saving a child 's life , they might agree to it ’ .
25 The services offered are often generic and when it comes to competing for work from the SSD , ‘ being a Jack of all trades does n't fit easily into the contracting culture ’ .
26 And when it comes to crossing the traffic , designated places are set aside , a limited time is given to cross , and some , perhaps through their own lack of judgement , will be unlucky and be run over .
27 There are about 200 at risk rhesus babies each year and when it comes to treating them , ultra sound scanners have made the difference , making it much easier to carry out accurate safe transfusions .
28 The recital quoted sets out the reason for adopting such a provision ; and when it comes to interpreting one or other of those detailed provisions , the recital is helpful in setting out the overall purpose to which they relate .
29 We understand that and when it comes to tailoring a perfect holiday , our flexibility , specialist knowledge and personal contacts give you more choice than with any other holiday operator .
30 We try to set ourselves specific aims and objectives and when it comes to marking scripts , for example , we have a quite specific mark scheme which has been very carefully thrased out , not only with examiners , but with certain school teachers , which we try to make tie this down as be as objective as we can , but there 's always and element of subjectivity .
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