Example sentences of "and [conj] [pron] [verb] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 He told him about their ruined holiday and where they had spent the previous night , although he did not reveal his unusual experience .
2 Major General Sir William Dornberg received the pencil-written despatch in the town hall at Mons which he had made into his headquarters , and where he had transformed the ancient council chamber into his map room .
3 This was the place where he had almost bowled Anna over many months before and where he enjoyed riding the horse at breakneck speed , disregarding anyone else who might chance to be on the path .
4 I 'm very sorry about the disturbance at the restaurant and that we had to cut the interview short .
5 I , I forgotten that it was Justine , I , it just threw me a bit that erm , erm , Nick asked me to let you know that we were here and that we 'd received the chairs .
6 This criticism was in part a reflection of the call made by the Report of the Committee on Physical Deterioration for greater physical and mental education for adolescents , but it also pointed to the three main criticisms of clubs which were reiterated years later by Freeman : that they could only really provide amusement ; that their positive educational value was small ; and that they failed to reach the mass of boys .
7 The authorities say they 'll provide alternative services for everyone who uses the Centre and that they hope to redeploy the forty staff .
8 The Court heard that one of the directors had acted while an undischarged bankrupt , aided and abetted by the others , and that they had caused the company to trade without reasonable prospect of payment of creditors ' claims , to retain Crown monies to finance insolvent trading and to abuse banking procedures .
9 He managed to detain her long enough for them to tether the horses , because there would be no sense in coming out of the Workshops ( with , or without the prisoner ) and finding that the horses had turned their heads for Tara and that they had to walk the rest of the way to the Fire Court .
10 There had to be another source of money and you realized what it was , and that they had acquired the Villa Fiesole to use in that business . ’
11 I said , more 's the pity and that I had seen the term both in the Petit Larousse Moderne and the Figaro Littéraire .
12 This is the world that I enjoy , and that I have spent the second half of my life so far in exploring and learning about .
13 There was no 1940 general election and by 1945 the voters remembered both that the Labour Party had shared responsibility for winning the war and that it had opposed the Conservative policies which led to the war .
14 The firm also says it is continuing to make steady progress on Iceberg , and that it expects to enter the internal beta test portion of the programme in July or August , and hopes to ship production units a year late , in the fourth quarter of this year .
15 It seems to me there is no foundation for it whatever ; all that a court of justice can look to is the parliamentary roll ; they see that an Act has passed both Houses of Parliament , and that it has received the royal assent , and no court of justice can inquire into the manner in which it was introduced into Parliament , what was done previously to its being introduced , or what passed in Parliament during the various stages of its progress through both Houses of Parliament .
16 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey , the master and matron , were both away on sick leave in the early months of 1900 , and the Board received a letter from their general practitioner , Mr. C. G.Johnson , to say that they were making good progress and that he recommended continuing the champagne which had contributed to their recovery .
17 And then Luke came in and said the fire was fine and that he 'd bashed the cushions up a bit , to make it all OK for them .
18 He began his bookselling activities in about 1770 from his father 's shop , but had moved to 13 Aldgate High Street by the end of 1773 ; it was at this time that his first publications came out , among them the Ladies ' Museum ( 1773–1814 ) , and that he began to explore the possibilities of circulating libraries .
19 from loyalist organisations and political groups met Whitelaw , the Northern Ireland Office would afterwards issue a press statement that such and such topics had been discussed and that he had emphasised the evils of violence and gangsterism .
20 It was widely believed that Churchill had been converted to the European cause during the war , and that he had kept the flame of union alight .
21 Of course , the very fact that the Prime Minister made the speech at all , and that he had rejected the advice ‘ to keep off the grass ’ , as he put it , was a powerful reinforcement of the case he was arguing .
22 Karamani Mehmed Pasa ( Grand Vezir 882–6/1477–81 ) , pupil of another scholar vanquished by Hocazade and therefore ill-disposed toward him , told Mehmed II that Hocazade had complained of the climate in Istanbul , saying that because of it he had forgotten the learned works he had memorized , and that he had praised the climate in Iznik .
23 Then she saw that Peter had been crying and that he had taken the trouble to wear a clean , white shirt .
24 ‘ May I still have the interview with you which you promised ? ’ she asked straight out — and thought for a few seconds , as he looked sternly at her , that she had blown it , and that he had taken the strongest exception to her reminding him of his promise .
25 These wars were inspired by a belief that Louis XIV of France hoped to become the overlord of Europe , and that he wanted to restore the Catholic James II or his descendants to the throne .
26 Collor announced that US$100 million of the $120,000 million foreign debt would be converted annually in " debt for nature swaps " to fund environmental protection , and that he intended to decree the abolition of tax incentives for land clearance and cattle ranching in the Amazon .
27 You can see that he did approach the premises and that he did approach the complainant . ’
28 Ordered , That the Votes and Proceedings of this House be printed , being first perused by Mr. Speaker ; and that he do appoint the printing thereof ; and that no person but such as he shall appoint do presume to print the same .
29 Finally , confirm that the details are correct and that you wish to change the ownership of this DC , and press the RETURN key .
30 Finally , confirm that the details are correct and that you wish to register the Product and press the RETURN key .
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