Example sentences of "and [adv] it is [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Genuine , living devotion , Philothea , presupposes the love of God , and thus it is simply the true love of God .
2 Elsewhere — as in the Jura — corals are more important than rudists and usually it is only a reef limestone in the broadest Gallic sense of that term ; that is to say , a massive limestone without bedding planes and commonly recrystallised .
3 My technique is based on inhibition , the inhibition of undesirable , unwanted responses to stimuli , and hence it is primarily a technique for the development of the control of human reaction .
4 Culturally in Italy business advertisements are not placed and legally it is apparently a doubtful method of selling a company .
5 The triceps make up 60% of the upper arm while the biceps make up only 40% and yet it is still the case that most people tend to have overdeveloped biceps .
6 It was unaccounted for in The Future of an Illusion , and yet it is more a basic and fundamental source of religion than are illusory and delusory beliefs .
7 The model contributes little to our understanding of why ‘ hooliganism ’ is synonymous with soccer , why it is more prevalent at certain times in history than others , and why it is predominantly a male , lower-working-class phenomenon .
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