Example sentences of "and [adv] give [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Inside , the rear seat squab can be slid 7in to and fro to give a choice of more rear leg room or extra boot space , and the back rest tilts through 30° .
2 The materials which I designed myself as illustrative of a particular approach to teaching ( for example , Widdowson 1978 ; Allen and Widdowson 1973 ) , have been criticized on the grounds that they have not been subjected to evaluation and thereby given the seal of practical effectiveness ( Murphy 1985 ) .
3 Do people sort of artificially put on their best behaviour , as it were , or something like that , and thereby give a sort of rather distorted impression as to what 's really going on .
4 Evans sees it as an adaptation of the Egyptian dog-ape , possibly developing from the monkey frescoes in the Knossos Labyrinth ; the monkey was not native to Crete and the animal may have been taken for a monster and so given an impulse to the creation of other monsters .
5 Goma appealed to the man who denounced the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968 to stand up and be counted , and so give an example to his fellow citizens to persuade them to overcome their reticence about signing the Charter :
6 The Sports Council have to follow Government Policy and make everyone self financing and self sufficient you will no doubt read int he press and hear through the media about many similar cases , it is a case for grave concern and efforts will be made to seek the support of many people who applaud our type of work and so give the world of Movement and Dance the benefit of their experience and support .
7 Would you like to , to explain what from strength to strength means or whether I 've got my figures wrong erm a and , and perhaps give an idea of what from strength to strength will mean in coming years ?
8 He had looked and sounded alone , and inadvertently given the impression of paranoia .
9 For opening doors and not giving a damn about what anybody else has to say to it .
10 They chopped a lot of cable into one inch pieces you see and just gave a bit of this out .
11 It very seldom goes to court , but when they tell lies that are damaging , I sue them as a matter of principle , and always give every penny to charity .
12 Mallerstang is one of the quietest of the Pennine valleys , unfrequented by tourists and free from heavy traffic : it is a pleasant ribbon of green deepset between lofty heights , sparsely populated and always giving the impression of rural contentment and a way of life that remains as unchanged as the landscape .
13 Solid doors give privacy , while glazed versions allow light through , create a decorative screen and still give a feeling of space .
14 The following morning , after the attack , the police were told about the abandoned Zodiac dinghy and also given the number of the camper van .
15 And also given the nature of the kind of people who want to wield authority over others they ca n't bear being out of the limelight , it gives them one last throw .
16 The unc second is perfect for specific calculations and also gives a proof of existence .
17 It includes details of some church-related radio training courses available in the UK and also gives a list of organisations concerned with religious broadcasting .
18 A job with the KGB is much sought-after by young Russians because it pays well , offers many special privileges such as housing and foreign goods denied to the ordinary citizen , and also gives the chance of foreign travel .
19 It made it easy to check if there really was an incontinence or urine problem , and also gave a warning about a possible difficulty with cramp .
20 This investigation involved four dictionaries and three documents , and hence gave a total of twelve combinations , as shown in Table 4.4 .
21 She had been up and about for over an hour , moving slowly about her caravan , straightening the covers on the bunk , shaking the rag rug and even giving the brass on her beloved stove an early rub with metal polish .
22 The book is very personal , not at all a dry textbook , and even gives the impression of being a labour of love .
23 the Countryside Celebration disc is at present available exclusively to Machine Knitting Monthly readers and can be ordered direct from Iris Bishop , including postage and please give the number of your Brother machine when ordering .
24 He sacrifices the ram , and then gives a name to the place , ‘ The Lord provides ! ’
25 For example : students hear only half of the dialogue on tape and have to supply the missing lines ; students take notes and then give an account of what happened ; students act out what happened from memory ; students answer questions about the dialogue .
26 If the law is clear , first state the law and then give the authorities for your statement .
27 When he found it , he tapped along the feed pipe at random and then gave a couple of good , square bangs on the connectors before he tried the starter button .
28 Not far , she said , and then gave the lie by saying she 'd plenty of petrol .
29 The phone was handed over to Erika , who confirmed the trip and then gave the phone to her mother , who exchanged a few banalities and then handed it to Omi , who cooed and clucked and finally returned it to Herr Nordern who said , briefly , that they all looked forward very much to seeing Karl again and firmly replaced the receiver before anyone else could claim it .
30 For instance , deliberately setting Sarah Tobias ( Jodie Foster ) up in the extreme of a situation that many people — women and men — would say was ’ asking for it ’ , and graphically giving the lie to that pernicious concept .
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