Example sentences of "and [adv] we [modal v] [vb infin] to " in BNC.

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1 And finally we would come to Finnegans Wake , apparently mocking our very attempt to read by calling in question what is , I suppose , the most basic of all assumptions about writing , that whatever form it takes it will be made up essentially of recognisable words .
2 Yeah well it is it is and also we might get to a situation where by er you know people are slitting each-other in the throat at this rate
3 And now we will go to the Chief . ’
4 And now we must come to the ‘ hard saying ’ .
5 And , and you 'd , I 'd , you 'd say how long would we be and well we 'd come to er , you know , an agr
6 ‘ We feel we should fight Mr Butters and let him take on a white elephant while we play elsewhere for a year and maybe we can return to Belle Vue . ’
7 And then we 'll go for a drink first and then we 'll go to the Indian restaurant .
8 I want er , I 'm just asking if er , anyone 's got er , comments to make to Vince and then Vince will reply to them , that 's the point , he 's got to reply to some of the comments er , that er Simon has made and then we 'll come to what we want our response to be .
9 And so therefore if anybody has amendments that they wish to make to the deliverance as it is , we will take them if necessary one by one and vote for them as they are presented to us , and then we 'll come to any other counter motions that may be on hand .
10 And then we 'll get to the barn , wo n't we , Dorcas ? ’ said Nooty .
11 So , erm , I 'm going to the toilet now , and then we 'll drive to college , because we 've got so much bloody washing , it 's not all going to principle French college , and erm , you
12 But what they can do in this case is the manufacturer 's at C , but the manufacturer can not deliver to the shop until maybe two weeks time they can phone us , the carrier , we will then arrange for someone to go to manufacturer at C , pick it up , bring it to us and then we 'll take to the shop .
13 And then we may retro-fit to places like Finchley . ’
14 If it was a warm , sunny day we would pack all our belongings into the caravan and then we would head to the beach or we would go swimming in the pool on the park .
15 Certain questions had to be answered by Sir John and then we would return to Glastonbury Abbey .
16 We will get a loan from King Khalid ( Of Saudi Arabia ) and then we will go to Britain and settle affairs with the British government , We can apologize for insulting British workers and then , with British support , we can go back to Teheran . " "
17 Now anyone else want to make a contribution on Selby and then we can move to Harrogate ?
18 And then we can talk to him , ’ said Gurder .
19 I can phone Adai from Kisangani and then we can go to Australia .
20 And then we can go to Mrs , and let Mrs write a letter .
21 and then we can go to the tube station and go up to Kilburn
22 Erm and how we can speak to time and how we can control that time and make sure that even with interruptions which is what in a way what a meeting is about a discussion , that we 're able to stick to the time that we 've allocated for the particular meeting or presentation that we 've got .
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