Example sentences of "and [adv] [conj] [num] [unc] cent " in BNC.

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1 Of those temporary workers who did not want a permanent job , nearly half ( 47 per cent ) had been economically inactive one year previously , and less than two per cent had been unemployed .
2 However , in 1987–88 only 3,960 prosecutions occurred , or 1 per cent of the total of 396,200 investigations , or 5 per cent of the total of 80,000 withdrawals from the register , and less than 0.1 per cent of the 4,390,200 claims for that year .
3 According to government statistics women earned on average one-third less than men in 1989 , and less than 4 per cent of top business jobs were held by women .
4 The non-strikers , at the other extreme , comprising the two fields ( Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire-South Derbyshire-Warwickshire ) which had less than 15 per cent on strike in the early weeks of the dispute , and less than 5 per cent when it was six months old .
5 Class 1 transactions ( requiring an immediate announcement and a circular to shareholders ) , Class 2 transactions ( requiring an announcement only ) and Class 3 transactions ( requiring an announcement only if listed securities are being offered as consideration ) are where the comparisons produce figures of 15 per cent or more , 5 per cent or more and less than 5 per cent respectively .
6 Sales to the UK market continued to fall — half of companies reported a decrease and less than 10 per cent of companies reported an increase .
7 Between 1979 and 1989 those at the highest decile ( ie those earning more than 90 per cent and less than 10 per cent of the population ) increased their real income by 36.6 per cent whereas those at the lowest decile ( ie those earning more than 10 per cent and less than 90 per cent of the population ) who increased their real income by only 5.7 per cent .
8 Between 1979 and 1989 those at the highest decile ( ie those earning more than 90 per cent and less than 10 per cent of the population ) increased their real income by 36.6 per cent whereas those at the lowest decile ( ie those earning more than 10 per cent and less than 90 per cent of the population ) who increased their real income by only 5.7 per cent .
9 It is perfectly feasible for manufacturers to package their goods in recycled paper without loss of appeal or quality , yet at present only 27 per cent of the paper we consume is recycled , and less than 20 per cent of household newspapers and magazines are recovered .
10 It is possible to find the origin of the synapses ending on cells of the type Hubel and Wiesel recorded from , and it is an amazing fact that 80 per cent or more of their excitatory input comes from other cortical cells , and less than 20 per cent from the nerve fibres coming up from the eye .
11 Less than one in five of businesses seeking advice on professional liability ( most went to insurance brokers ) , less than a third seeking advice on employee legislation , and less than ten per cent concerned about environmental legislation went to solicitors .
12 Today , toothbrushing is common even among pre-school children ; and more than 75 per cent of children use toothpaste by the age of 18 months .
13 By their mid-40s , more than 40 per cent of males and more than 80 per cent of females are sedentary .
14 Fifty-eight per cent of respondents reported that exchange-rate movements had affected their cash flows , and more than 80 per cent reported that they took action to protect cash flows — nearly 40 per cent by maintaining a foreign currency bank account , 24 per cent by taking out forward contracts and two-thirds by sending out their invoices in sterling .
15 The party increased its share of the vote by almost 4 percentage points , but nearly 7 per cent of votes cast went to the Greens and more than 5 per cent to the New Labour Party .
16 They represented about half the total number of families of the country and more than 60 per cent of the population , and were those which were most afflicted by the economic ravages of the inter-war years .
17 Children themselves held the greatest sway , and more than 60 per cent of mothers and father were influenced by their offspring .
18 As I said earlier , more than three quarters of recently retiring pensioners now have income from savings , and more than 60 per cent .
19 Friday 's uptick , leaving the index still close to its lowest level since January 1987 and more than 20 per cent down since the start of this year , was prompted by some old-style ‘ suasion ’ between the Ministry of Finance and the Big Four , Nomura , Nikko , Daiwa and Yamaichi .
20 The sum of these two figures was 2.5 per cent below the 1990 budget ( and more than 20 per cent below actual 1990 federal expenditure ) , the cuts being apparently largely due to the ending of subsidies to parastatals .
21 By the close of the Permian , 75 per cent of all amphibian families and more than 50 per cent of reptile families had vanished from the fossil record .
22 The magazine Der Spiegel recently published the results of an opinion poll revealing that 14 per cent of Germans still think Jews were partly to blame for what happened to them in the second world war , 36 per cent believe Jews ‘ have too much influence ’ , and more than 50 per cent believe it is time for Germany to forget the past and move on .
23 East Anglia is one of the biggest pig producing areas in the country , particularly for outdoor pigs , and more than 50 per cent are growing lean and strong thanks to compound feed from Burston .
24 It showed that nearly 50 per cent of the country 's conifers , and more than 25 per cent of its broadleaved trees , suffered from moderate or severe leaf loss during 1990 .
25 The Bougainville conflict [ see above ] affected the country 's economy adversely , as the giant Panguna copper mine , which had previously provided about 17 per cent of national revenue and more than 40 per cent of foreign exchange earnings , remained closed .
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