Example sentences of "and [adv] [adj] [noun] [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche has been in England since 1975 and most ordained people take either Kelsang or Gyatso in their names .
2 Largent 's records for most catches and most receiving yards have already been eclipsed this year by Washington 's Art Monk and Buffalo 's James Lofton .
3 There stood the Shah , impeccable as ever in a well-cut grey suit and rather loud time ramrod straight , his face , always , expressionless before the cold white stare of his father .
4 Should the ensuing insomnia mean dropping off during the day , then again you will be awakened , this time by real Hercules transport planes — Elveden Forest , being in East Anglia , is very close to numerous air-bases and so many jets scream overhead that one expects any minute to bump into a tight-lipped Kate Adie dressed in camouflage fatigues .
5 An animal does indeed strive instinctively to keep alive , much as it will forage for food ( plants in unconscious and less mobile ways do also ) , but , lacking language , it is unduly anthropomorphic to describe this as hoping or aspiring to live to a ripe old age ; except perhaps as a joke .
6 That station is supposed to be haunted by old Garrity who was that porter there in the old days , and not many people go near it in daylight , never mind after dark . ’
7 The little manor-house at Cadhay stands near at hand in the Ottery meadows , and more distant views reach as far as the great hill-fort at Hembury , built on a commanding spur of land in the late Iron Age .
8 Since then , more PC users have come on stream and about 460 people have now been linked into the whole network .
9 However , single pairs breed regularly at the Cuckmere estuary and about 12 pairs do so between Rye and the Midrips .
10 One might take the views of the promoters of a Bill as an indication of the intention of Parliament but any view the promoters may have about the questions which later come before the court will not often appear in Hansard and often those questions have never occurred to the promoters .
11 FLORIDA is the Sybil of U.S. travel destinations , a state where multiple and wildly contrasting personalities coexist surprisingly peacefully .
12 Neither is it that tonics are not requested ; large numbers of people get as far as the doctor 's surgery to complain of tiredness , lethargy and mild depression , and even larger numbers go straight to the chemist .
13 Damp , bookworms and even hungry rats have all taken their toll .
14 These stylistic differences have gradually eroded over the years , and today regional divisions have all but disappeared .
15 Boldly patterned and strongly coloured rugs need more space than those with more delicate compositions and pastel shades .
16 One might prefer a priest or minister and sometimes retired clergy have both the experience and time for this sort of ministry .
17 But they often forget , or the matter gets overlooked in the settlement ; and consequently many women lose both widow 's pension and life assurance .
18 Niche marketing and tight product-market pairings have also helped .
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